The Insider’s Guide to Becoming an Instagram Model: Building Your Brand and Making Money

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Modeling jobs have always been the dreams of many, but a possibly more appealing version for many is being an Instagram model and content creator. It’s a role that simply sounds incredible to most and many wish that they could do it. But what exactly do you need to be one? Well, it takes quite a bit of effort and a decent bit of luck too. Today we’ll be going over how you can become an Instagram model and earn money from your hard work. Let’s dive right into things.


Building Your Brand


Before you can actually start monetizing your online presence you’ll first need to build your brand. Firstly, figure out your niche and stick to it as this is the best way towards success. Whether it’s being a fitness model, bikini model, or something else entirely, find a niche and own it. You’ll also want to be consistent in how often you post and in the quality of these posts. It will be far easier to build a stable audience if your posting schedule itself is relatively stable. If you ever get the opportunity to collaborate with some other models or brands then that would be great as it’s a good way to network and it will bring you more followers fast and is overall pretty fun to do which is a plus.


Growing Your Following


Getting that initial bump of followers is great progress and certainly isn’t easy, but after that, you have the task of gaining more followers while retaining the ones you already have. This is a bit more nuanced, but you’ve got it in you so don’t worry. An excellent way of both gaining new followers and especially retaining them is interacting with them. Whether this is via paid messaging platforms like Alua, or via Instagram livestreams. It’s also incredibly important that you remain authentic as fans love that. If you seem fake to them then you run a high risk of losing a lot of followers down the line and that’s what we want to avoid with this.


Monetizing Your Instagram Account


Now that we have a sizable fanbase we can think about monetizing our account. There are a bunch of different ways to do that, but the most popular ones are sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, and brand deals. Sponsored posts are great, but if you do them too often you might make your followers angry so watch yourself. Affiliate marketing is something that can be done more freely, and brand deals are generally what you should be aiming for as they are a more constant source of income and generally bring both the most money and the best results with the fans. All of these can be used together, just remember that they are tools and should be used smartly.


Things to Watch out for


There are a lot of challenges that you may run into during your journey so it’s good to be mindful of them and somewhat mentally prepared. One of the most common issues that content creators run into is burnout. If you just keep creating content and going full steam then eventually you’ll burn yourself out and be unable to create engaging content as easily for quite some time so be weary. Also, but specifically for models, if you’re pale you should watch out so that you don’t get a bad sunburn and get an Irish tan, as it could be catastrophic due to being unable to post photos and videos of yourself as easily until it passes.


Staying Successful in the Industry


Getting to this point is one thing, but staying on top for a lengthy amount of time is another challenge that you’ll need to tackle. You’ll need to post consistently, have high-quality content and of course, monetize things well enough so that it’s profitable for you. Juggling all of these things while also promoting your brand deals and promoting yourself to grow further is an incredibly hard thing to balance, but if you get it down then you can expect a lot of success and even faster growth than you may have anticipated. 




Being an Instagram model takes a lot of planning, work, and of course luck, but it’s an incredibly fun job to have, and if it’s something you’re able to do then be proud of yourself for making it that far. We hope that our little guide has made things easier for you and has helped.