The 6 Best Budget Boat Accessories You Must Have in 2023

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The sport of wake surfing has witnessed a significant surge in popularity over the past couple of decades. Who wouldn’t want to ride perfect waves, no matter where they are? Thanks to boat technology and gear advancements, more and more people are embracing the coastal surf lifestyle on inland lakes and rivers. The best part is that wake surfing has a slower pace, which means the risk of injury is significantly lower (something parents will definitely appreciate). 

However, suppose you are eager to dive into wake surfing or interested in driving a wake boat and towing surfers. In that case, you must familiarize yourself with the essential gear needed for unforgettable days on the water. With that in mind, here are six budget wake boat accessories you must have before hitting the open water!

1Safety Flag

Of course, every top surf boat comes with all the necessary safety equipment. However, if yours didn’t come with a safety flag, you must purchase one ASAP. 

While some people might not consider this important for wake boating, when you have someone waving the safety flag as you retrieve a fallen surfer, it alerts other boats in the vicinity that there is a person in the water and advises them to proceed cautiously. This is particularly crucial in areas with high boat traffic.

2 Tow Ropes

At the end of the day, a tow rope is a must-have if you are considering towing surfers and skiers with your wake boat. That said, a wave surfing boat is designed with the utmost consideration for tow rope connectivity. These boats typically boast multiple attachment points strategically placed to optimize the surfing or skiing experience. When it comes to the art of wakeboarding, it becomes crucial to secure the tow rope at the highest point.

This allows surfers and skiers to harness the rope’s strategic positioning to effortlessly ascend above the water’s surface. Thus, ensuring an exhilarating and unforgettable ride.

3 Life Jackets

When it comes to safety, there should be no compromise! Life jackets or life vests are essential equipment for wake boating. It doesn’t matter if you are a strong swimmer; wearing a life jacket is a must on a boat for surfing. 

In fact, it’s not only a legal requirement in most areas, but it also protects you from potential head injuries, especially if you must make abrupt turns to navigate obstacles in the water. After all, you can seriously hurt yourself if you get hit by anything on your boat or are thrown into the water.

So, always remember to put on your jacket! The good news is that plenty of stylish and minimalist life vests are available on the market. So, get one that you like ASAP!

4 Wake Wedge

If you want to enhance the quality of your wakesurf wave, consider adding a wakesurf shaper to your gear. This removable flange attaches to your boat’s hull, opposite the surfer, and disrupts the water flow on that side. Doing so cleans up and strengthens the water flow that creates the wave.

While a wakesurf shaper isn’t always necessary, it can greatly improve your wave in many cases. We recommend starting without one and assessing if you feel your wave could benefit from it. Give it a try and add it to your setup later on if you think it will make a difference.

5 Ballast Bags

If you have been using your wake boat for some time now and feel like the waves are not as impressive as you would like, it might be a good idea to consider investing in a ballast bag. These bags are designed to add weight to your boat, resulting in larger and taller waves. Moreover, different options are available, such as fat sacs that can be easily filled with water or ballast bags filled with metal scraps. So, purchase one that falls within your budget.

6 First Aid Kit

Accidents can happen anywhere, which is why it’s important to have a well-equipped first-aid kit on your wake boat. However, you must ensure that the kit contains all the necessary items, including:

  • Cotton swabs
  • Alcohol wipes
  • Disposable gloves
  • Cold pack
  • Adhesive pads
  • Fabric tape
  • Saline solution
  • Tweezers
  • Scissors
  • Pain relievers/aspirin

Wrapping Up


While these are by no means the only essential accessories you will need to own as a wakeboarder, they’re some of the most important and easy-to-access options that can help improve your safety and overall enjoyment on a boat. 

That said, the key to a successful wakeboarding experience lies in using the right tools and equipment. The accessories mentioned above represent some of the best options available on the market.