Money talks : Fun and Creative Ways to Teach Kids about Finance

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Children who have not adopted reasonable spending habits often fall under the influence of the “take everything and take it now” messages that are saturated in our culture. In addition, children who do not learn to manage their finances in time end up in the “quicksand” of debts later in the future. Therefore, to prevent this from happening to your children, you as a parent will have to teach them about money and the financial world. We advise you to start as early as possible because children are already aware of the existence of money from the age of 4. 


The origin of money


Some children have an innate sense of money, while to other children you will have to explain the origin of money, how it is earned, and how to dispose of it wisely. Children think that there is plenty of money and take it for granted, it is enough just to ask parents for money and they will give it. However, money is earned through hard work, and money should be respected. Children have to make sure that money doesn’t grow on magical trees and doesn’t fall from the sky. One of the best ways to teach kids about finances is through debit cards for kids.


Children aged 3 to 7


With younger children, you have to devise a way of teaching through play, you can play seller and buyer so that the child is in charge of the cash register. When you go to the store with them, let them bring their own money, just in case they want to buy something for themselves. 


Don’t get discouraged, you just have to arm yourself with patience and slowly teach them about money. You can give them extra money for a piggy bank when they pick up their toys or help you around the house. 


Children aged 8 – 12


When it comes to middle-aged children, they already understand money, they have a certain idea about it. Therefore, it is desirable here to give them a credit card for children. 


With owning credit cards, children have the opportunity to teach all kinds of finances from investing, earning, saving, donating, and spending money, all while filling out activity tables easily adaptable to each age of the child. Already at the age of 8, children are ready to take on responsibilities such as household chores, helping in the garden, or helping neighbors.

Teenagers 13 – 18


When it comes to teenagers, they have greater needs and greater expenses, so many decide to look for a part-time job to cover basic expenses and increase their pocket money. Teenagers should have a credit card because that way they will have everything in one place, both finances and obligations that they have to fulfill by the given deadline. 


Younger teens can do housework, mow the neighbors’ grass, tend the garden, babysit other children, walk the dogs, and sell their crafts and art to earn extra money. While older teenagers can find a job such as working in a cafe, shop, or boutique, of course, with the approval of their parents. Children can do these types of jobs part-time as well, so that they do not interfere with their school duties.


Give them a credit card


One of the fastest and best ways to teach children financial literacy is certainly by giving children a credit card. It was designed to make it easier and closer to children through an application that contains all aspects of finances as well as activity tables (set by parents). The opening process is very fast and simple, parents open an account and provide the necessary personal information of the children. The account is activated by depositing money into it. 


By owning a card, children learn to create a savings plan, spend rationally, earn money, invest in various types of shares, and donate money to the needy. Parents can pay their children pocket money through articles, but also pay them additional pledges. Parents have control over the activity that their children perform, and without the parents’ approval, savings cannot be touched and money cannot be invested. With the BusyPay option, payment from a third party is possible with the possession of a QR code.




Research has shown that if children do not learn to handle money in time, there is a possibility that when they grow up they will fall into debt and cause themselves unnecessary stress. Therefore, prevention is better than cure.