Things to Consider Before Getting Your Home Interiors Plastered

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When it comes to enhancing your home interiors’ appeal and lasting durability, plastering emerges as a widely favoured option. However, before you dive into plastering your walls, there are considerations that need to be taken into account. This guest post aims to provide you with guidance on the factors that must be considered before undertaking any plastering project or hiring professionals for interior plastering in Auckland.


1. Evaluating Wall Condition

Prior to commencing any plastering work, it is imperative to assess the condition of your walls. Look out for signs of damage or cracks that may necessitate repairs beforehand. It is highly recommended to engage a professional who can thoroughly evaluate the integrity of the walls and address any underlying issues prior to proceeding with finishing coats. For evaluation, don’t hesitate to reach out to interior plastering services in Auckland for professional insights.


2. Managing. Dampness

Moisture can significantly impact the quality and longevity of plastered walls. It is crucial to ensure that your walls are effectively damp-proofed prior to applying any plaster. Failure to address moisture problems could result in peeling, flaking or even mould growth over time.


3. Selecting Suitable Plaster Type

The market offers types of plasters, each possessing properties and applications. Choosing the kind of plaster based on your requirements is vital. Gypsum-based plasters are suitable for walls, whereas lime-based plasters are better suited for areas that tend to have high moisture levels, like bathrooms or basements.


4. Hiring Professional Plasterers

When it comes to plastering, achieving a finish requires skills and expertise. While some homeowners may consider taking on DIY projects, it is highly recommended to hire plasterers for complex jobs. Professionals possess knowledge about techniques and materials, ensuring a high-quality outcome that withstands the test of time.


5. Preparing Your Home Before Starting the Plastering Work

To ensure a plastering process and protect areas of your home, proper preparation is crucial before work begins. Move furniture and valuables away from the walls to prevent any damage from rubble or dust. Safeguard your flooring and surfaces by using drop cloths, sheets or plastic covers. Cover openings leading to rooms in order to control the spread of dust.


6. Costs and Budgeting

The costs associated with plastering can vary depending on factors such as the area’s size, the type of plaster used and labour requirements. Before initiating your project, it is important to establish a budget that takes into account all expenses. Obtaining quotes from professionals enables you to compare prices and make a decision.

7. Time Constraints

Plastering is a task that requires patience and cannot be hurried. It’s important to allow for drying time between each coat to achieve the best possible results. Therefore, considering the amount of time needed for your plastering project is crucial. Having a discussion with the professional you choose will help ensure that both parties are clear on the expected completion date.


8. Durability

Once your walls have been plastered, regular maintenance is essential to preserve their longevity and appearance over time. Periodically. Wipe down surfaces using a cloth or brush to keep them clean. If any cracks or damages occur in the future, it is advisable to address them before they worsen.


9. Design and Aesthetic Objectives

Before embarking on a plastering project, it’s crucial to have a vision of the desired look you want to achieve. Considering your design and aesthetic objectives can assist you in making decisions about texture, colour and overall style when it comes to your plastered walls. Seeking inspiration from magazines or sources or consulting with a designer can provide valuable guidance.


10. Environmental Considerations

When selecting plaster materials and professionals for your project, take into account their impact. If you’re concerned about reducing your carbon footprint, it’s worth exploring options like using plasters made from recycled or sustainable materials. You can also consult experts who may suggest alternatives for plaster mixes or disposal methods that minimise waste generation.


By considering these factors alongside the ones mentioned earlier, you’ll be well prepared to start your home plastering project with confidence. Remember that careful planning and thoughtful consideration result in a pleasing outcome and ensure a durable finish that will stand the test of time.



In conclusion, by considering these factors before diving into your home plastering project, you’ll set yourself up for success. Assessing the condition of your walls, addressing any moisture issues, choosing the type of plaster, seeking help when needed, properly preparing your home, managing your budget effectively, allowing sufficient drying time and prioritising long-term maintenance will help you achieve beautifully plastered walls that enhance the aesthetics of your living spaces for years to come.