Five Ways To Expose More People To Your Brand

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When you’re trying to grow a business, sometimes simply getting noticed is harder than trying to convince others of the value of your products and services. There are so many others vying for the attention of your target market that it can be difficult to get a word in edge-wise. For that reason, you need to consider real strategies to improve your brand exposure. Here, we’re going to look at five avenues that you should be working through.

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Put out good content

To begin with, you should make sure that you have a good story to tell, and the means to tell it. Think about what your brand story it, and how it connects to the wants, needs, and aspirations of your audience, and then find the right channels for it. Aside from direct marketing, you should consider which social media channels are best for your brand, and work on content that is specifically designed for it. Steadily posting good content over time is going to help you build an audience that might be more willing to not only engage with your brand but to share it in the future, too.


Get the media to cover you

Direct messaging from a brand to its target audience can be effective, but your message is going to be competing with those of a hundred other brands, be they your competition or not. Sometimes, the trick is to put your message where your audience is already paying attention. In this case, we’re talking about the media. Whether it’s the news, business magazines, or otherwise, getting media exposure for your business is an effective way to get more eyes on it than ever before. This could mean sending out press releases, getting in touch with relevant news organizations and industry sources, and steadily building relationships with journalists.


Start attending events

If you’re trying to build exposure solely from the safety of behind your office desk, then your reach is going to be limited. You need to actively get out there to reach more people, and finding the right events can be the perfect way to do that. Event marketing strategies work when it comes to building a profile within your industry, as well as in building connections, including with journalists as mentioned above. Find the conferences and trade shows that are relevant to your industry and see what you do about getting a space to show up with a booth. If you have new products to demonstrate or news to give, then this can be the best way to do it, as these events tend to have much bigger audiences than you’re likely to draw by yourself.


Don’t underestimate the power of swag

Event marketing can be an effective way to shake some hands, learn some names, and start building a rapport between your brand and its audience. However, it can be even more effective if you leave them with something to remember you by. Well-placed swag can make a big impact, and it leaves the person with a physical item containing your branding, which can build that exposure over time. You want to make sure that your promo items stand out, however. Everyone does USB sticks, pens, and hats, so you might want to consider options a little more off-the-wall, while still being convenient enough for everyday use, like custom beer glasses. If you can get the choice of swag to fit the brand, that’s even better.


Work with influencers

The prevailing theme for the strategies mentioned above, so far, is making sure that your brand is where your people are. You want to position yourself in places and platforms where your audience is more likely to connect with your brand. One great way to do that is with the help of the right influencers. Influencers can mean all kinds of things in this instance, from social media personalities to bloggers to reviewers. Podcasters are another kind of influencer well worth working with. Whether by offering products in exchange for exposure, or even by getting the opportunity to sit down for an interview or a chat, you can launch your brand to a wide audience by leapfrogging off of them.


The more people you expose to your brand, the more that they are going to recognize it, and the more they recognize it, the more likely they are to check it out, and perhaps even complete a sale. You need a full marketing funnel to ensure the best rate of conversion, but that all starts with exposing people to your brand.