Budget Savvy Diva MOVING!!!!

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I wanted to let y’all know that Budget Savvy Diva currently traveling again… I know again…. The hubby and I just landed in Phoenix, AZ



We are moving from Los Angeles, CA to Phoneix, AZ within the next two months… we are making this trip to check out apartments and such… But not to worry I am working overtime to make sure you do not miss a deal 🙂

What do YOU look for in a place to live? This will be our first apartment so any suggestions would be awesome!!!


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  • Grace

    Wow! We were living in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area for 5 years and we moved from LA to AZ too! What a coincidence! Luckily, the drive was short enough where we just used a UHAUL to move everything and buy what we needed when we got to AZ. We loved living in AZ. A lot of city with great shopping/restaurants but plenty of outdoor activities too! Good luck!

  • Andrea

    Hi. Just wanted to say good luck!! I am a military wife and have moved 30 times in my life. As far as an apartment goes……we prefer a ground level as it will be kept cooler. And end unit will usually get you an extra winow or two….and look for promotions the complex migh be having. We prefe to rent from a family rather than a corportion. They tend to be more personal with you and you don’t become just another rent check. Talk to the neighbors who might be around the complex and ask them what they like and dislike about the property, and management. Also talk to the cashiers at the local grocery store and find out if the area is a good area to live in. Like is the apt. in the good part or bad part of town? And if you can scope out you new neighbors. It might help determine if you want to rent or not. Do you really want to rent next to 6 college party guys who are constantly drunk and loud and invite shady people over?

    Good luck

  • Christine

    Check out other neighbor hoods ground floor apartments r cooler but I found they can have more scorpions. Depending on what u want tempe is a younger crowd bc of asu Scottsdale can be pricier etc. Look for deals a lot may have one month free but look for a complex w a pool bc u will need it. Good luck w the move.
    To continue saving money here r some suggestions. You should check out buffalo exchange in Tempe it is a thirty shop but it has nicer clothes than good will many name brands. Also zia records for used music cd and changing hands book store sell new and used books