Budget Savvy Diva’s First Wedding Anniversary – Check Out The Pictures From The Wedding

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Just one year ago today Mr.Savvy and Budget Savvy Diva tied the knot 🙂

It was a extremely frugal wedding – paid almost entirely with coupons 😉 Even my dress you can see above I snagged on clearance and paired with a coupon – it was less then $100 after everything was said and done 🙂 We ended up having a very nice classy wedding at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas at a outdoor location

Was even able to talk Mandalay Bay down on prices for the wedding packages  – always remember it NEVER hurts to ask.

Here are some more pictures

 I made my bouquet for less then $20 🙂

I also saved even more money by decorating the wedding cakes myself – I made the bunny out of clay and used food coloring for the flowers

I even saved a TON on our honeymoon to Walt Disney World – but that is a whole other story. In all I saved about 65% on our wedding and honeymoon 😉