Brag Worthy Shopping Trip: 16 Year Old Couponer
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Thanks! Reader Brittany
This is what she wrote
This was my first ‘official’ time actually using more than one coupon! Not too bad for a 16 year old, in my opinion!(:
(I bought all this at Wal-Mart)
1 1.25 Liter of Coke zero. On sale for $0.93
*I had a coupon for $0.99 off any Coke Zero. (Free + $0.06 overage!)
1 Johnson and Johnson’s Baby Oil for $3.84
*I had 2 coupons, both for $1 off Johnson and Johnson’s products. (Paid $1.84)
1 THINQ Energy drink for $1.98
*I had a free coupon for this. (Free!)
1 Muir Glen Tomato Paste for $0.92
*I had a coupon for $0.75 off any Muir Glen product. (Paid $0.17)
3 Green Giant Frozen Vegetables for $1.48 each.
*I had a coupon for $0.60 off 3 Green Giant Frozen Vegetables. (Paid $1.28 each)
1 Colgate toothpaste for $0.94
*I had a coupon for $0.75 any Colgate toothpaste 4oz or larger. (Paid $0.19)
1 Hershey’s Air Delight Candy bar and 1 Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Candy Bar at $0.74 each.
*I had a buy a Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar get a Hershey’s Air Delight for free. (Paid $0.74 for both)
1 bag of Mariani dried fruits for $2.98
*I had a coupon for $0.50 off 1 Mariani product (Paid $2.48)
1 Schick Xtreme 3 Razors (pack of 4) for $5.97
*I had a $2 off any Schick disposable razors (Paid $3.97)
1 Colgate toothbrush for $0.94
*I had a coupon for $0.75 off any Colgate manual toothbrush (Paid $0.19)
Before Coupons and Sales: $23.94
Total After Coupons and Sales: $12.82
Savings: $11.06 (Around 46% savings)