Brag Worthy Shopping Trip: CVS Paid This Couponer – $10.97
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Thanks! Reader Cassie
This is what she wrote
CVS paid me $10.97 after ECB to buy all of this stuff! This is how I did it: I did 2 transactions~The 1st one I bought the Thermacare heat wrap for $3.79. I paid $4.05 after tax and received $3.79 ECB. My 2nd transaction I bought the 2 Hydro Silk razors(9.99 each), 2 Power Select razors (9.99 each), 4 Mento’s gums($1 each), 4 Up2U gums 9($1 each), and 2 Colgate Pro-Relief toothpastes(4.99 each). When the cashier totalled me out it was $61.66. I used a $10 off $50 coupon I got on a receipt from a prior purchase, 2-$4 hydro silk coupons, 2-$4 power select coupons, 4-$1 Up2U coupons, 4-.55 Mento’s coupons, 2- .75 colgate coupons, the $3.79 ECB from the 1st transaction and I had $12 ECB from another purchase. So after all my coupons my total was a whopping $8.98 and I received $24 ECB for my next shopping trip! $8.98+4.05=$13.03(money I spent). $24.00 ECB-13.03=$10.97 profit!! YAY!! I was shaking when I left the store!! lol