Brag Worthy Shopping Trip – Jaw Dropping Savings at CVS
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Thanks! Reader Blake
I get asked this a lot, CVS $4/$20 coupons can be received by e-mail, in store at the coupon machine, or can print on your receipt. I go there almost everyday, so I get a lot of them. The $3/$15 can be printed from their FaceBook Page.
Transaction 1
(5) Loreal Single Eye shadow: $4.99 Each = $25.00 ($10 ECB back)
Total before Tax and Coupons= $25.00
Coupons Used:
(1) $4 off $20 CVS Coupon
(4) $2 off 1 Loreal Face Product
(1) $2 off 1 Loreal Product (CVS Tear pad)
Total of Coupons= $14.00
Total after coupons= $11.00
Used $11 ECB from previous week.
Total after Coupons & ECBS= $11.00
Got Back $10 ECB’s!!
Making it essentially $.20 per eye shadow, and $25 towards my BeautyRewards!
Transaction 2
(1) Biore Pore facial wash: $7.50 Each = $7.50 ($5 ECB back when you buy $15)
(1) Biore Nose Stripes: $$7.50 Each = $7.50
(1) Egg Filled gum – $.57
(1) Easter bamboo basket: $4.99 Each
Total before Tax and Coupons= $20.56
Coupons Used:
(1) $4 off $20 CVS Coupon
(1) Biore Buy one get one free.
(1) $1/1 Biore Peelie Found on Biore’s New Cleansers
(1) $2/1 Biore Coupon printed from the CVS Coupon machine
Total of Coupons= $14.50
Total after coupons= $6.14
Used $6 ECB from previous week.
Total after Coupons & ECBS= $.06
Got Back $5 ECBs.
Transaction 3:
(3) Garnier Herbashine Hair dye: $4.99 Each. = $14.97. ($5 ECB back when you buy $15)
(1) Coloring Book: $1.00 Each.
(1) Lisa Frank Coloring Book: $1.99 Each.
(2) Pez Easter: $1.77 Each. = $3.54.
(1) Egg Filled gum = $.57
(1) Frances Carmel Candy = $.33 each.
Total before Tax and Coupons= $22.40
Coupons Used:
(1) $4 off $20 CVS Coupon
(3) $3/1 Garnier Herbashine Hair dye
Total of Coupons= $13.00
Total after coupons= $9.40
Used $9.00 ECBs.
Total after Coupons & ECBS= $.00
Got Back $5 ECBs!
Transaction 4:
(1) Schick Hydro Razor Blade: $9.49. ($4 ECB back when you buy 1)
(2) Easter colored Grass: $.79 Each. = $1.58.
(2) White Easter Chocolate Bunny: $1.19 Each. = $2.38.
(1) Spiderman Egg: $.99 Each.
(1) Wonka Mixups Egg’s: $3.79 Each.
(1) Frances Carmel Candy = $.33 each.
Total before Tax and Coupons= $18.89.
Coupons Used:
(1) $4 off $20 CVS Coupon
(1) $2 Off $10 of Easter Products
(1) $4/1 Schick Hydro Blades
Total of Coupons= $10.00
Total after coupons= $9.27
Paid Out of my Mom’s pocket: $9.27
Got Back $4 ECBs!
Transaction 5:
(1) Biore Pore facial wash: $7.50 Each = $7.50 ($5 ECB back when you buy $15)
(1) Biore Nose Stripes: $$7.50 Each = $7.50
(1) Candy Flower Bouquet: $1.99
(1) Wonka Mixups Egg’s: $3.79 Each.
Total before Tax and Coupons= $20.78.
Coupons Used:
(1) $4 off $20 CVS Coupon
(1) B1G1F Biore coupon
(1) $1/1 Peelie found on all new cleansers
Total of Coupons= $12.59
Total after coupons= $8.28
Paid Out of my Mom’s pocket: $8.96
Got Back $5 ECBs!
Transaction 6:
(1) Goobers Box of Candy: $1.50 Each.
(1) Kzhu Armor Toy: on clearance for $1.00 Each.
(1) Bamboo Basket: $1.99 Each.
(1) Cellophane: $1.69 Each.
(1) MatchBox Car: $1.37 Each.
(2) Rubber Duckies: $2.99 Each = $5.98.
(1) Speedstick: $2.99 Each. ($1.50 ECB back when you buy 1.)
Total before Tax and Coupons= $21.50
Coupons Used:
(1) $4 off $20 CVS Coupon
(1) $1/1 Speedstick Coupon
Total of Coupons= $5.00
Total after coupons= $16.50
Used $4.00 in Ecbs
Paid Out of my Mom’s pocket: $13.39
Got Back $1.50 ECBs!
When I was out, my mom gave me a call to get toilette paper, this is what I came up with.
Transaction 7:
(2) CVS 12 pk of Toilette Paper: $4.99 Each = $9.98.
(1) Schick Hydro Power Razor: $9.49 Each. ($4.00 ECB’s back when you buy 1?)
Total before Tax and Coupons= $19.47.
Coupons Used:
(1) $4 off $20 CVS Coupon
(1) $4/1 Schick Razor peelie found on razor
Total of Coupons= $8.00
Total after coupons= $11.47.
Used $5.00 in Ecbs
Paid Out of my Mom’s pocket: $7.00
Got Back $4 ECBs! (It says limit 1 per household, so I’m not sure why it gave me another $4 back)
Total without Coupons & ECBs: $149.62
Minus Coupons used: -$74.09
Minus ECBs used: $ -$35.00
Total after coupons and ECBs: $40.53
ECB’s Received: $34.50.
All in all, the difference is a total of $6.03 if you deduct the received ECBs from the total purchase.