I would love advice on this matter.
First off my husband and I are use to apartment living and the noises that come with the territory. We try and be as quiet as possible such taking off our shoes at the doorway or using headphones while listening to music.
We decided to upgrade to a nicer apartment and be on the top floor since I work from home.
Before we moved I had my parents check out the apartment – asking them about the noise. The first apartment they showed us was right on a busy street with a large shopping center that just opened across from it. We asked if there was another unit because noise would make or break it since I work from home. Again I understand apartment noise but I would like an apartment where I could start making Budget Savvy Diva videos.
They said that we could have their model unit ( it was a model unit for about 3 months) . I asked about the noise and I was told there was no problem with the unit.
Last night was our first night at the apartment – about 11 pm at night we were awoken by a conversation taking place. It was so loud it was like the conversation was taking place in our room. I looked out the window and realized it was coming from the apartment below us – the resident was outside talking.
We ended up having to use ear plugs to get back to sleep.
The next morning
Mr.Savvy left for work and I started finding deals 😉 I start hearing all these noises – almost like someone was hammering something to the wall. Then I heard voices. Not muffled voice – I could understand everything that was being said. Mr.Savvy came home from work and could not believe the noise level. This constant noise lasted for about 8 hours.
The next day Mr.Savvy told the office about the situation and was told a call to the neighbor would be made. He was told that the neighbors already had noise complaints against them – hmm why were we told that there was no noise problem…
It was quiet until nighttime. Again the same thing hearing conversations taking place. It sounds like if someone had a t.v on loudly in the next room. I could even hear a phone conversation that one of the residents was having with a guy named Mark. We end up watching Chopped but had a hard time listening because the noise below – of course we could up the volume but we do not want to annoy our neighbors.
I ended up cooking today’s daily recipe rather late Southwestern Egg Rolls with Avocado Ranch Recipe because I was working on another project that evening ( I cannot wait to share it with you – but I have to stay mum for now).
As I rolled the egg rolls Watson kept me company – It was around 10 pm at night.
Watson entertained himself by opening the sink cabinet as shown in the article Watson Moves Into The New Apartment . I stopped him after the 3rd time – what he does is use his paw to open the door and then try and catch the door with his arm – it is NOT an exact science so most of the time the cabinet door closes.
Today Mr.Savvy tells me we got a call from the office about a NOISE COMPLAINT. So we headed to the office to get more information.
This is what they said.
The complaint was from the neighbors below us ” surprise surprise ”
It was concerning at noise being made at 10 pm at night. They said I was trying to “harass” them by slamming every cabinet door ( there are 15 total in the kitchen) 3 times… I knew right away that they were complaining about Watson.
Can you believe it?
But it gets better… The office suggest that we met with the neighbors to hash things out ( I guess I would have to bring Watson) – she said they are really positive and want to make things work.
Get this –
They have rearranged their whole schedule around you – not to annoy you. —- I am really impressed in 2 days they know our whole schedule.
They are even planning on waking up their kids at 3 am to make you happy. — Wait what ?!
I quickly told her — the problem is not the kids ( kids will be kids I understand that) – the problem is the adults and being able to hear EVERYTHING they say… Also them saying I was slamming every drawer three times does not make me feel warm and fuzzy.
The office worker said … “Oh… See they were actually VERY upset – they thought you were talking about their kids.” Wait I thought they were positive
I explained I do not know how a conversation is going to change their habits of how they talk… They were already talked to before and it did not make a difference.
I asked point blank – ” You knew noise was a deal breaker … Why were we not told” The office person said ” Because of confidentality we cannot reveal anything about residents.” Does anyone know if this is true?!
At this point we are walking on egg shells – we hear NO NOISES from other neighbors who all have kids and would like your opinion – please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comment section
We can break the lease and be fined about $1,000. We can move to a different unit at a higher cost per month. We can met with the couple ( I am willing to do this but I am unsure about the usefulness of it)