Fresh Raspberry Daiquiri Recipe

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Fresh Raspberry Daiquiri Recipe

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Everyday at 1 pm PST/ 4pm EST Budget Savvy Diva posts a NEW RECIPE 🙂 I might miss this time every now or then – but I know you understand

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1 Cup of Ice
8 Raspberries
1 Tablespoon of Sugar ( add a little more if you like it sweeter)
1/2 Teaspoon of powered sugar
Shot of Rum

1/2 teaspoon of lime juice

1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice

What to do

Add all the ingredients in to a blender

Blend till smooth — taste — add more sugar if you would like it sweeter 🙂

The recipe above is enough for 1 drink

Fresh Raspberry Daiquiri Recipe

: Drinks
: 1


  • 1 Cup of Ice
  • 8 Raspberries
  • 1 Tablespoon of Sugar ( add a little more if you like it sweeter)
  • ½ Teaspoon of powered sugar
  • Shot of Rum
  • ½ teaspoon of lime juice
  • ½ teaspoon of lemon juice


  1. Add all the ingredients in to a blender
  2. Blend till smooth --- taste --- add more sugar if you would like it sweeter 🙂
  3. The recipe above is enough for 1 drink