Christmas Tree Brownie Bites Recipe

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Christmas Tree Brownie Bites Recipe

Make sure to repin this recipe 🙂

I love the holiday season – I have so many memories baking and cooking in the kitchen during the holidays

I think it is important to create memories based on skills that can be passed down ( like making the perfect apple pie or the perfect roast)

I had SOO much fun making these brownie bites – this dish is semi-homemade so it is something you can easily do with the kids without causing a HUGE mess in the kitchen. Because I do no know about you but I HATE cleaning up after cooking …. I have a super power of making a HUGE mess in the kitchen ( probably one of the most useless super powers ever )

Christmas Tree Brownie Bites Recipe

As you can see there is not a ton to this recipe. I do want to stress the fact that you should use a frosting bag with a tip – it will help you be able to get the Christmas Tree like shape

I also suggest using a fresh strawberries – I do not think frozen strawberries would work out well

You can easily make these the night before an event. Seriously if you made these for a party everyone would flip out.

I was done with a dozen of these bites around 30 minutes

You will cut off the top of the strawberry – flip in over and use a little frosting to have the strawberry in place

Start piping the green tinted frosting around the strawberry here is a picture of what it should look like below

Christmas Tree Brownie Bites Recipe

Keep working your way up until the tree is complete

NEXT comes the fun part! Decorating

GO CRAZY – I used a star sprinkle for the top 🙂

Christmas Tree Brownie Bites Recipe

Now if these treats do not get you into the Holiday spirit I do not know what will

Love You All! Enjoy the recipe

Christmas Tree Brownie Bites Recipe



  • 10 Brownie Bites ( Store Bought)
  • 10 Strawberries ( with tops cut off)
  • Various Sprinkles
  • White Frosting
  • Green Food Dye


  1. Mix ½ Cup of White Food Frosting with Green Food Dye ( I did about 12 drops)
  2. Once the color is right place frosting in frosting bag
  3. Attach the strawberries to the brownie bites ( use frosting as glue )
  4. Using the frosting make the tree start from the bottom to the top - the more imperfect it is the better 🙂
  5. Once the tree is done use sprinkles to decorate your tree
  6. Enjoy!

Thank you Bethany Mota for the inspiration for this treat 🙂