How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder
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My obsession with teacups have no bounds — every time I go antiquing I always pick up a teacup or two. Maybe it is just me but when I see a teacup I instantly smile ( that is weird right?)
Anyways I love teacups BUT they are taking up my house! Enough to the point where I wanted to re- purpose some of them
I would love to get some ideas from y’all about different crafts I could do with teacups — I would love to try some more 🙂
If you have not seen my previous teacup craft make sure to check it out 🙂 – How to Make Teacup Candles
What You Will Need is REALLY simple – Teacup and Saucer that you are okay with ruining ( Tip – Goodwill will have Teacups for a couple of bucks if you do not want to ruin the one’s you already have)
You will also need really good glue – I used E8600 ( I got mine off of Amazon ) – Here Is The LINK
Make sure your teacup and saucer are clean – I used hot water and a bit of soap
You then have to decide how you want the cup to sit — I wanted the seed to be spilling out – which was a little complicated ( but it was not hard at all)
Once you glue the cup – DO NOT MOVE IT for at least 4 hours you want the glue to set. I did not use hot glue because I really wanted a strong hold
I made a little video for you to enjoy – I go through everything I did and what birdseed works best for me
Make sure you have subscribed to Budget Savvy Diva 🙂
I really hope this How To Make A Teacup Bird Feeder was helpful 🙂
Disclaimer – I bought everything myself 🙂 Not sponsored