101 Dalmatians Animator Floyd Norman Interview

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When I was in Los Angeles a few months ago we were able to have a drawing tutorial with Floyd Norman

Here are some fun facts about Floyd Norman

– He is a Disney Legend! Given to him in 2007

– Floyd actually worked on Monster’s Inc – then her retired – but came back to Disney

– He worked on some MAJOR classics such as Sleeping Beauty, The Jungle Book and of course 101 Dalmatians

I was lucky enough to be able to film the animation demonstration and his interview – enjoy the video below

Fun facts about the film –

  • 101 Dalmatians was the first time that Xerox was used in animation. It was used to duplicate the puppies.
  • This advance in technology led to it only taking half the animators and less time to create 101 Dalmatians that it took to complete Sleeping Beauty.
  • 101 Dalmatians is one of the top grossing animated films to come out of Walt Disney Studios and it’s possible it saved the studio!

Disclaimer – I was sent on the Disney trip that was paid for by Disney but all the thoughts and opinions are my own.