Here is a great gift idea for just about anyone on your shopping list! But a perfect one for anyone who suffers from aches and pains on a regular basis.
Soothe aches and pains after a long day with Fishbellies. Adorable microwave/freezer corn bags hang and add a cheery blast of color to any room. Use as a portable heating pad or store in freezer and use in place of a frozen bag of peas. Made U.S. Health News “Top Ultimate Gift Guide for someone with Chronic Illness”. Available in 3 sizes.
This post is part of the Budget Savvy Diva Holiday Gift Guide 2016 – make sure to check it out! Disclaimer – This product was provided for free so I could get some great photos and add it to this list. Nothing is posted that I have not checked out myself. Everything on this list is something I would buy myself.