Budget Calculators Make Monthly Budgeting a Breeze
This post is sponsored by Pigly.com, a free online resource with budget calculators that I find truly helpful.
I’m so proud of my oldest boy. He is crazy about letters and numbers, so his most recent “toy” is a calculator. A green one to be exact, because green is his favorite color. He loves playing with it and reading the numbers. We’ve also taught him som addition and subtraction which he is surprisingly good at. I was the same way as a child. I knew early on I was going to be a budgeter. I see so much of my self in my kid’s style of play, so I hope instilling great budgeting skills in them will not be a chore. Lawson, in particular, may feel delighted when I present him with all of the budget calculators that are accessible on the internet.
Sitting Down to Budget
For adults, budgeting often does not feel like play. It can be hard work, or at least, annoying. We tend to put it off, or not do it at all. Since life moves at such a hurried pace, we settle for our own shorthand which is often inadequate. In a recent budgeting guide for thebalance.com, Jeremy Vohwinkle writes: “To make an effective budget, you must be willing to work with detailed and accurate information about your earning and spending habits.” I couldn’t have said it better, or better explained how much of a drag that actually is.
Regular Attention
Budgeting is not merely a one and done event. You need to do it monthly because (big surprise) not every month is the same. According to Rachel Cruze, a personality at daveramsey.com, “[You should] be sure to adjust your budget each month as things change. Make a savings fund you can stash cash in throughout the year.” The good news here is, that putting the numbers in front of you on a regular basis makes you more financially savvy. You will automatically begin to see improvement in your savings.
Tools for the Financially Savvy
Automatically. That’s a word I like. We all have automatic payments, so we need to be automatic about our savings, too. That’s why calculators are so important. Specifically budgeting calculators like the ones at pigly.com. Pigly is a free to use and ad-free site that offers a wide array of budgeting calculators for all types of budget problems. You can automatically balance your budget and keep your finances in order across all major categories and subcategories. One of my favorites is the Opportunity Cost category, which lets you figure out potential ROI (return on investment) for new opportunity expenses, or how much you can save with a new diet, or by giving up smoking.
Start Saving, Now
Budgeting is annoying, but it isn’t actually hard. There is a calculator to help you organize the numbers and give you all the power you need to control your finances today. The key to being budget savvy will always be to stay on top of the numbers, and this is the secret weapon.