Am I Rich? Pregnant with Baby 5
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Are you rich?
Now I have been asked many questions regarding my kids – but never have I been asked this.
All this happened at my 21 week ultrasound appointment – follow up. The nurse came in – I guess she did not know I had any other kids. She asked if it was my first I said no. I tend not to say how many kids I have if they are not around because the next question is ages and that tends to yield some not so kind words.
She asked how many I had and their ages I told her. Seriously her mouth was hanging open and she said ” Are You Rich?”. I had to laugh. I answered the truth “no”. What I should have said ( I hate coming up with answers days later to an interaction) was – “I am rich with love”. We are not rich but I stretch every penny and love on my children.
The doctor came in and I did not see the nurse again. I told my mom about the interaction and she thought it was really unprofessional to ask something like that. Do you think the nurse should of said that? What an odd thing to say. I am still kinda stunned.