The Importance of Training Your Employees

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Photo by fauxels from Pexels


Training your employees is something that you must-do if you want to get your business to grow. Employee training is a critical part of your growth process and you must invest money into it.


There are many different ways that you can give your employees proper training. You might be wondering what some of them are and how you can use them. Here’s a look at some of the main types of training that you can offer your employee as well as some of the benefits.


E-Learning Training


E-Learning has become a very popular avenue by which training is given to employees. This is because it relies on the internet and 

makes it easy for your employees to access the training any time they want. 


It is convenient because employees can usually go on to their own devices and do their courses. 


E-Learning is usually composed of videos and tests that you can do online. If you have a large organization and you’re looking to save money on employee training then this is the way to go.


Instructor-Led Training


Instructor-led training has been one of the most popular forms of training for decades. It is the type of training where traditionally employees go into a classroom and an instructor gives them the necessary information. In recent times however, instructors have led courses over the internet via video calling and screensharing technology. This is especially useful for courses focused on teaching project management software like MS Project, where being in person doesn’t provide much utility beyond looking at someone else’s screen from afar. By providing instructor training digitally, tutors are able to be more interactive with the learner, allowing them to have the software or training material open themselves whilst the instructors guide them step by step.

This is a good method if the topics that your employees need to learn are complex. However, it is one of the more costly ways of providing training and if you are on a budget it may not be the best choice. It also takes a lot of time to set up instructor-led training.




A coaching and mentorship program is also something that you need to consider getting for your employees. This is especially good if you don’t have a large organization and you can manage to have a more experienced employee spend time teaching a new employee


Often when coaching and mentoring sessions are done they provide a more intimate setting for learning. Instead of your employees learning in a classroom setting they are learning individually from someone else. This may make it easier for them to ask the right questions so that they can learn more.


Analyzing Case Studies


Analyzing the case studies of other people in their fields is a great way to help employees to learn more about their roles in an organization. 


You can make these materials available online through your website for your employees so that they can read them on their own time and at their own pace. 


You can also use them during any training sessions as manuals or resource text. Bear in mind though that you will need to update these case studies from time to time. 


It can be easy to let them just stagnate and forget about updating them. If you are adding new dimensions to your company at all times, employees will need to be notified of them. A great way to do this is by updating your case studies.


Create a Masterclass


Creating a master class may be just what you’re looking for if you want to give employees detailed training on a specific role in your organization. If you have never hosted a masterclass before you may be wondering, “what is a masterclass?” 


A master class is often taught by an expert in a specific topic or field. The topic is normally very narrow and highly focused. The master class is usually done over a specific period of time.


If you decide to create a master class for your employees you need to ensure that you get an expert to do the class for you.


Start Training


Employee training is critical to the growth and development of your business. If you have been struggling to find ways to educate your employees so that they can better carry out their everyday tasks, providing training sessions for them is one of the best options that you have. 


It allows you to control the information that your employees receive. 

When you have control over training you can make sure that the information that your employees get is specifically targeted to their needs. Take a closer look at your organization and then decide on the structure of learning that would best suit your employees. 


You also need to examine your budget to see which style of training would be most affordable for you.