5 Arguments Your Lawyer Can Make to Increase Your Spinal Cord Injury Compensation
Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are mainly considered catastrophic. It is so because these injuries are severe and can be permanent. These injuries cause massive trauma to the spine, and one of the leading causes is car accidents. In fact, according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Centre, car accidents are responsible for around 42.1 percent of all spinal cord injuries in the United States. If you look at Houston’s statistics, you will be surprised as 16 percent of Texas’s car accidents occur in Houston.
Suppose you have suffered spinal cord injuries due to other people’s negligence in Houston. In that case, you must contact the spinal cord injury attorneys at Houston to help you hold the person accountable and get the compensation you deserve. Below are some ways your lawyer will ensure that you get the proper compensation.
It is the Fault of the Negligible Party
When you suffer due to the negligence of others, the lawyers put their best foot forward. The lawyer can prove that the accident was caused by the negligence of another person. And due to their negligence, the defendant has to suffer the consequences.
Lawyers collect evidence such as a photograph of the accident site, hospital record, police report, witness statements, etc., which helps them prove the carelessness of the at-fault driver and increase compensation. A catastrophic injury lawyer can also help you understand your legal rights and options, and ensure that you receive fair compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. By working with an experienced lawyer who understands the complexities of catastrophic injury cases, you can focus on your recovery while they handle the legal aspects of your case.
They can take the Case to Trial
When you hire an attorney, they can increase the compensation that you receive. Insurance companies try to avoid paying, or they pay you less. However, if the attorney puts forward an argument stating that they can take the case to court, insurance can increase the compensation. A lawyer uses several legal strategies to negotiate a fair settlement. Insurance companies do not prefer to go to trial, as it can be a costly endeavor for them.
They argue the extent of your Injuries
Spinal cord injuries are severe, and you might require long-term treatment and rehabilitation to get back to your life. The lawyers gather your medical record from before and after the incident. This will help them prove the extent of your injuries; the more severe the injuries, the more compensation you can get.
They show Proof of Damage
Undoubtedly, you have to show evidence that it is another party’s fault; however, to strengthen your claim, your lawyer will also show proof of damage. Damages mean how the injuries have impacted your life, for example, loss of wages, mental stress, pain, suffering, etc. So, to increase your compensation, the lawyer can argue that your injuries have a negative impact on your life.
They have the Testimony of an Expert Witness
Spinal cord injury cases depend heavily on expert witnesses. The expert witness’s testimony helps in proving the damages and negligence. Most of these experts consist of medical professionals, police, disability accommodation experts, etc. Also, a medical expert can prove how severe your injuries are. Since lawyers have a vast professional network and can enlist the help of these experts, they can put together a strong argument in your favor.
Summing up, it goes without saying that there is not enough that can decrease your suffering. However, your compensation can help with the medical bills, property damage, rehabilitation, daily care, etc. So, it becomes vital to work with an attorney who can bring you justice and get the right settlement. Also, dealing with the legal process and the injuries can cause a great deal of stress, and working with a lawyer provides you with peace of mind.