How do tarot cards increase your intuition and direction?

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The powerful use of tarot cards is not something that has only pooped on the map in the 21st century. Sure, social media has played a big part in popularizing their use; however, these tools have been used for centuries by people for inner exploration through meditation or question-asking sessions. During this time, people have used them to get in touch with their intuition, gain clarity, and make decisions, and they still do. So if you’re looking for direction or want to connect more deeply with yourself, consider trying free tarot reading. Tarot cards allow you to explore your intuition and clarify potential paths forward in your life.

What Are Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards are 78 set cards that have been around since the mid-15th century. They are divided into two categories—the Major Arcana (22 cards) and the Minor Arcana (56 cards). Each card has its unique meaning, symbolizing different aspects of life, such as love, health, wealth, luck, spirituality, and more. The Major Arcana focuses on big-picture topics such as destiny and fate, while the Minor Arcana focuses on day-to-day matters. When placed together in various combinations during a reading, these cards can provide insight into the past, present, and future. For example, a single card reading might offer guidance on a specific question, a three-card spread could delve into the past, present and future. And a yes or no tarot would be perfect to answer a particular question.

How Do They Work?

Tarot readings focus on the user’s current situation and guide how to move forward positively. The reader interprets the images and symbols on each card and provides an interpretation based on their knowledge of tarot card meanings. The user then reflects upon this interpretation to clarify the situation or decision they need to make.   It is important to remember that tarot isn’t a replacement for making decisions;  it is intended to provide guidance when we feel stuck or uncertain about which direction to take next.

Using Tarot For Intuition Development

When used correctly, tarot cards can be compelling tools for unlocking our intuition and inner knowingness. Our intuition is our inner wisdom; it knows what we need even if we don’t know ourselves yet. By using tarot cards during meditation or journaling sessions, you can tap into this deeper level of understanding by reflecting upon each card’s meaning and how it relates to your current situation or question you are asking yourself. This type of reflection allows us to access our subconscious mind, which contains valuable insights that may not be immediately apparent from a conscious-level perspective. It may take time to practice using tarot, but ultimately you will become more aware of subtle energy shifts within yourself, which can often indicate whether a particular action should be taken or avoided in any given situation, even if it goes against logic.  

Gaining Direction Through Tarot Cards 

Another way that tarot cards can increase your direction is by clarifying which paths may be best for you in any given situation. When used correctly, the tarot card readings will shed light on potential paths forward in any area of life; career advice or relationship advice. They encourage us to think outside the box regarding problem-solving because they reveal potential courses of action that we may not have considered before due diligence was done with the tarot’s assistance. Additionally, they offer a unique perspective when navigating difficult situations, providing an honest assessment (which isn’t always easy) while pointing us toward solutions that honor our needs and desires, something we could all use more often.  

Summing Up 

Tarot readings can provide insights into our lives and practical guidance when we don’t know which direction to take next. By taking time out of each day to practice using tarot cards, we can unlock our inner wisdom and become more attuned to our intuition, thus providing us with increased clarity and direction in life. So why not give them a try today? You may just surprise yourself with what you learn.