Swaps & Alternatives That Will Save You Money

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If you have been feeling the pinch lately then you are not alone, there are thousands of households out there struggling to pay for everything. If you are on the lookout for various tips and tricks on how you can save money then you have come to the right place. The article below will tell you how you can save money with awesome swaps and alternatives both at home and out and about.


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Bulk Buy


One of the best things you can do at the moment is buy your groceries in bulk, however, you won’t be able to bulk buy your fresh produce. If you do want to buy fresh produce then there is a way around it to make it last longer. For instance, keep it out of direct heat and sunlight and if you are buying fresh fruit then you could place it in glass jars to add to its freshness. Buying your shopping items in bulk may seem like you are spending a lot more money, but it works out much better in the long run. Over the period of around a month, you will spend much less than you usually do on shopping.


Batch Cook


Something else you can do to save money is batch cook rather than cooking a different meal each day. When you batch cook, you are far less likely to reach for the local takeaway number as you will already have something prepared for lunch or dinner. If you are not much of a chef then you might like to invest in a good quality cookbook for various meal ideas. There are some wonderful meals that won’t cost you an arm and a leg each week. One thing you could do if you are missing the takeaways is create your own. You could make homemade pizza, Indian, and even Chinese.


Switch The Bad Habit


If you like a cigarette or two every so often then you may know how much these can cost you. They are not cheap, however, if you are not ready to quit then you could switch to a vape. These are much better not only for your health but your wallet as well. They may cost a little more than cigarettes do, however, they do last a lot longer. There are some cool places online where you can get vapes and refills, ejuiceconnect.com carries the newest vaping products and adds new items weekly so you will never be without them.


Coffee At Home


Finally, if you are a fan of buying coffee while you are out and about then this could be putting a significant dent in your pocket. How about, instead of buying your coffee, you make it and take it with you? This will not only save you money, but if you make it in a flask, then you can have more than one cup throughout the day. If you swap just one coffee a day for one you make at home then you could save a huge amount each month.


We hope you found this article helpful and that it gave you some amazing ideas on how you can save yourself some money. Remember, you don’t have to do anything extreme to save money. Simple swaps here and then can really make all the difference.