How To Attract Positivity To Your Life

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You do not have to be a die-hard optimist to attract positivity in your life, though that does help to some extent.

There are many steps that you can take to see real changes in your life, some of these ways are highlighted below:

Monitor Your Inner Monolog

The number one way to attract positivity in your life is to understand the idea that kindness begins in your mind and only by monitoring your inner monolog can you truly see changes in your life.

Often we allow ourselves to be very unkind when it comes to our thoughts about our physical appearance and intellectual abilities. 

If you do something silly accidentally, your go-to thought should not be “Wow, I am so stupid, I can’t do anything right!”. 

Instead you need to be kinder to yourself. 

The moment you notice yourself doing this, check your thoughts and think of alternatives. Learning to laugh at yourself and allowing yourself to be human is the best step you can take toward leading a more positive life.

Get A Healing Crystal

While many are skeptical of the healing powers of crystals, there are reasons to buy crystals for both people who believe in crystal healing and those who don’t. 

If you believe in their healing powers, you should buy the ones recommended for positive energy by experts in holistic medicine. These experts often claim that positivity crystals help balance the energies around you and combat negative thoughts as well as negative wavelengths.

Crystals serve two purposes. The first is that they can contribute to the placebo effect which can lead you to be more positive in general. Secondly, they can create a soothing environment even if they serve as decoration.

So even though you do not believe in healing crystals, there is no harm in buying crystals.

Appreciate The People Around You

The way to attract positivity in your life is to spread it. Whether it is in the form of baking brownies for your new neighbors or paying a stranger a compliment. 

Random acts of kindness may seem like a one-way transaction, but you’ll be surprised to see the effect on yourself when you do something for someone else. 

Doing a good deed out of kindness can make you feel so happy and motivated, thus, you are bound to attract positivity in your life. 

Additionally, people are more likely to be nice and positive back to you, essentially creating a great environment for everyone.

Look For The Silver Lining

It is easy to say that you should look for the silver lining, but extremely hard to do when you are in terrible situations. But this works as a great way to attract positivity in mildly frustrating and inconvenient situations.

For example, this can be as small as getting the wrong coffee order at your favorite coffee shop. Think about how you now have the chance to try something new because of a mistake or have a chance to hold a conversation with a barista while you wait for them to make your order again.

By finding the good in unideal situations, you are training your brain to always look for the positive side. 

This will come in handy when a horrible situation comes up.


Many people think that the only way to be positive is to have it come naturally to you as it does to optimists. 

However, this is not always the case. 

You can easily train your brain to think differently and see the good in bad situations.

Monitoring your thoughts, doing good unto others, and getting a positive energy crystal are all great ways to attract positivity in your life.