Home Cleaning Hacks to Make Mom Life a Breeze

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Welcome, supermoms! We know the daily juggle is real, and when it comes to keeping your home sparkling, it’s a whole different ball game. No matter how big your house is, you won’t be needing home or commercial cleaning services. Say goodbye to the overwhelming chaos, and hello to our curated home cleaning hacks designed to make your mom life a total breeze. From quick fixes for unexpected messes to smart strategies for maintaining a tidy sanctuary, we’ve got you covered. 

Home Cleaning Tips

You finally got the kids down for their nap, but instead of enjoying a few minutes of peace and quiet, your eyes scan the disaster zone that is your home. Toys everywhere, piles of laundry mocking you from the couch, and a sink full of dirty dishes from lunch. 


Being a mom is hard enough without coming home to a messy house every day. But don’t lose hope – with a few handy hacks, you can whip your place into shape and reclaim your sanity. In just a little time each day, you’ll be well on your way to making your home mom- friendly and keeping chaos at bay. Ready to transform your space and make your daily routine a breeze? 


Read on, mama, for home cleaning hacks to simplify your life.

Streamline Laundry Day With These Clever Hacks

Doing laundry for a family can feel never-ending. Make the chore a bit more manageable with these handy hacks:


  • Group similar items together. Sort clothes into lights, darks, towels, bedding, delicates, etc. before washing. This saves time sorting later and ensures proper wash cycles for each load.
  • Use the appropriate amount of detergent. Too much detergent won’t make your clothes cleaner and can leave residue. Follow the recommendations on the packaging for the correct amount based on load size. Using a measuring cup or detergent packs help portion it out precisely.
  • Add a splash of white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Vinegar naturally softens clothes and reduces static cling. It also brightens and deodorizes without leaving any vinegar smell behind. Just add 1/2 cup of white vinegar to the rinse cycle in place of fabric softener.
  • Pre-soak any heavily soiled items. For tough stains like food, grass or grease stains, fill the washer with hot water and detergent before adding clothes. Let them soak for at least 30 minutes so the detergent has time to fully penetrate the fabrics before starting the wash cycle. The stains will lift right out.
  • Line dry when possible. Hanging clothes to air dry saves energy and is gentle on fabrics. It leaves clothes smelling fresh and reduces static cling. If line drying isn’t feasible, use the lowest heat setting on the dryer and avoid over-drying loads.


Streamlining laundry day comes down to developing efficient habits and using handy hacks to minimize the workload. Following these tips will get you folding your last load in record time so you can get back to enjoying family time.

Quick Kitchen Cleaning Shortcuts for Busy Moms

As a busy mom, keeping your kitchen clean can seem like an endless chore. But with a few handy hacks, you can cut your kitchen cleaning time in half and get back to enjoying your family.


  • Focus on wiping down counters and clearing clutter. A clean, decluttered counter space makes a huge difference in how tidy your kitchen feels. Do a quick wipe down of counters and put away anything sitting out. Remove knickknacks and small appliances you don’t use often.
  • Do dishes as you cook. Wash pots, pans and tools as you finish with them while cooking. Fill the sink with hot, soapy water and wash dishes in between steps. It’s much easier to wash a few dishes at a time rather than facing a huge pile after dinner.
  • Use your dishwasher. Load your dishwasher as you cook and run it when full. Let your dishwasher help with the workload. For stuck-on messes, soak pots and pans before loading for easier cleaning.
  • Clean spills and splatters immediately. Wipe up spills and splatters right away before they have a chance to dry and harden. Spray surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner or degreaser and wipe clean with a sponge or rag.
  • Mop the floor. For a quick mop job, use disposable floor wipes or damp mop pads. Swiffer pads and similar products allow you to mop your floor in minutes. Spot mop any spills or splatters and your floor will look fresh in no time.
  • Take out the trash. An overflowing trash or recycling bin makes a kitchen look messy fast. Take out the trash, recycling and compost before they get full. Empty the trash, recycling and compost bin daily or every other day for the best results.


With these quick cleaning shortcuts, you’ll be whipping your kitchen into shape and keeping it clean without spending hours scrubbing. Tackle one or two of these tasks each day and your kitchen will stay sparkling in no time.

Effortless Ways to Keep the Bathroom Sparkling Clean

Keeping a clean bathroom can feel like a never-ending chore, especially when you’re a busy mom. But with a few clever hacks, you can cut your cleaning time in half and keep your bathroom sparkling.

Focus on high-impact areas.

Prioritize tasks that make the biggest difference, like wiping down counters, sinks, toilets, and mirrors. Do a quick sweep and mop, then spot-clean any splatters or spills. Come back to less noticeable areas like baseboards when you have more time.

Use multipurpose cleaners.

An all-purpose cleaner can work on most bathroom surfaces. Spray it on counters, sinks, toilets, tubs, and floors. Look for natural, non-toxic options with essential oils for a clean smell without harsh fumes. For tough soap scum and grime, make a paste from baking soda and water.

Disinfect and deodorize in one step.

Kill germs and eliminate odors at the same time. Spray disinfectant in and around the toilet bowl, on countertops, and on the floor around the toilet. For extra freshening power, drop toilet bowl cleaner or essential oil drops in the tank and bowl.

Wipe as you go.

Do quick wipe-downs after each use to prevent built-up mess and grime. Have cleaning wipes handy for counters, sinks, and toilets so you can quickly swipe after brushing teeth or using the facilities. Throw used wipes in the trash instead of flushing.

Declutter and organize.

A cluttered space always looks dirtier. Get matching containers or bins to corral items like makeup, hair ties, toothbrushes, and other knickknacks. Have a place for everything and make it a habit to put things back in their spot. Your bathroom will instantly look and feel cleaner.


With a simplified cleaning routine focused on high-impact areas, multipurpose cleaners, disinfecting, wipe-as-you-go, and decluttering, you’ll be enjoying a sparkling clean and refreshed bathroom in no time. And the best part? You’ve got more time to enjoy being a



So there you have it, supermom-some tried-and-true cleaning hacks to make your life a little bit easier. Stop feeling guilty about the dust bunnies in the corner or the pile of laundry waiting to be folded. Give yourself a break and try out a few of these tricks. Don’t be guilty too if you choose to hire home or commercial cleaning services. You still deserve the praise for taking care of the family.


Your house may not look like something out of a magazine, but your kids will be fed, the dishes will get done, and you’ll have a little more time to yourself at the end of the day. Cleaning with kids around is never easy, but with the right mindset and a few shortcuts, you’ve got this. Make the mess, enjoy the moment, and clean up when you can. You’re doing great, momma, so take a deep breath and keep on keeping on. The chores can wait!