Tips To Extend The Lifespan Of Your Vacuum Cleaner

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A vacuum cleaner also requires as much care and cleanliness as your home. Those hefty repair costs or buying a new cleaner can be a threat to your budget. So, you need to follow some tips and tricks from the beginning to make sure your vacuum lasts longer.

How Long Can a Vacuum Cleaner Last?

The life duration of a vacuum cleaner varies based on several factors, including brand, model, and how you use and maintain it. On average, a well-maintained vacuum cleaner can last anywhere from 8 to 10 years whereas with high-quality models from reputable manufacturers, the lifespan may be longer.

You can also consider the following tips to potentially extend your vacuum’s longevity.

Invest In Quality From the Very Beginning

Ultimately, one of the most effective ways to extend the lifespan of your vacuum cleaner is to initially invest in a high-quality model. These vacuum cleaners are designed to offer durable components, advanced technologies, and strong build quality. While the initial investment might be higher than other modest models, the long-term benefits in terms of performance and longevity might well be worth it.

Be Careful While Cleaning Liquids

While vacuum cleaners are primarily designed for dry cleaning, accidents happen. If you find yourself needing to clean up liquids, be cautious. Check your vacuum’s user manual to determine if it’s equipped for wet cleaning. Using a vacuum not designed for handling liquids can damage the motor and even pose safety hazards. If your vacuum is suitable for wet cleaning, promptly empty the liquid collection container and disinfect the components to prevent mold and bacterial growth.

Conduct Routine Maintenance

One of the fundamental aspects of preserving your vacuum cleaner is conducting regular maintenance. Just like a car needs regular tune-ups, your vacuum needs occasional check ups to ensure it maintains optimal performance. Regularly inspect for clogs, replace filters, and check the brush roll for any tangled debris. This simple routine can potentially make a big difference in extending your vacuum cleaner’s lifespan.

Ensure Optimal Filter Management

Filters are crucial for trapping dust, allergens, and other particles, preventing them from circulating back into the air. Depending on the type of vacuum cleaner you own, there can be various filter options, such as HEPA filters, foam filters, or even washable filters. You should always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on cleaning and replacing them.

Empty The Dustbin Regularly

A common oversight in vacuum cleaner maintenance is forgetting to empty the dustbin. A full dustbin can hinder the suction power of your vacuum and strain its motor. Consider emptying the dustbin after each use in order to prevent the over-accumulation of debris that could hinder a vacuum’s cleaning performance.

Check And Clean Brush Rolls

The brush roll is responsible for agitating and picking up dirt from various surfaces. Collecting heavy loads of debris like hair and string can affect a vacuum’s performance over time. Regularly check the brush roll, remove any tangled material, and clean it thoroughly. Doing so not only prolongs the life of the brush roll but can also ensure steady functioning of your cleaning device.

Keep Your Vacuum Belt In Check

A vital component, a vacuum belt drives the brush roll. When it becomes worn or stretched, it can lead to reduced efficiency and damage to the other parts of the vacuum. Inspect your vacuum belt regularly for signs of excessive wear and replace it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Use The Right Attachments

Using the correct accessories for your vacuum cleaner is vital. Every single accessory is built for specific tasks and surfaces. Hence, using the wrong attachment not only affects the cleaning efficiency but can also put unnecessary strain on the motor and other internal components. Consult your vacuum cleaner’s manual to identify the right accessories for different cleaning scenarios.

Keep Mindful Vacuuming Habits

Your vacuum cleaner’s lifespan is also influenced by how you use it. Avoid vacuuming up large objects that can damage the motor or blockages that can hinder airflow. Moreover, it’s important to be aware of the surfaces you are cleaning and adjust the height settings accordingly. This will optimize your cleaning performance and reduce the chances of any damage to your vacuum.

Provide Proper Storage

How you store your vacuum when it is not in use can impact its longevity. Ensure that your vacuum is stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures to avoid any damage to the vacuum’s components.

With Care, Enjoy A Clean Home For Years to Come

The purchase of a quality vacuum cleaner can be a steep investment for some, but the rewards of having a clean home are well worth it. To make the best of your decision, proactively follow care instructions and conduct routine maintenance to extend the lifespan of your vacuum so that you can continue to effortlessly clean for years to come.