4 Essential Tips for Effective Gopher Removal from Your Yard

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Seeing mounds of dirt and holes in your yard means gophers have invaded. Tunnels wind under your lawn’s surface. Getting rid of these pests seems hard, but you can remove gophers with the right plan.

This article shares tips for effective gopher removal. Learn about gopher behaviors to understand when and where they strike. See the pros and cons of trapping, baiting, and repellents. Get pointers to monitor your yard and maintain it to sustain results. Also, find tips to deter future invasions. You can eliminate gophers and restore your yard with persistence and the right strategies. Read on for essential info to effectively remove gophers humanely.

1. Understand Gopher Behavior

Gophers are sneaky loners. They mostly work alone, only getting together to breed. Just a couple of gophers can ruin your yard with tunnels and mounds. Their burrows are like underground homes with different “rooms” for living, raising babies, and storing food.

To beat gophers, you need to understand how they live and act. They dig and hunt in the early morning and late afternoon. Seeing when and where new tunnels appear can help you set traps at the right times and places. Their routines make them easier to catch. 

\Expect gophers to put up a good fight – they are tricky and stubborn creatures. But learning their ways is the first secret to successful removal.

2. Choose The Right Removal Method

There are several methods for removing gophers, each with advantages and limitations. The most common strategies include trapping, baiting, and using repellents.

  • Trapping is considered the most effective and humane method. It involves placing traps at the entrance or inside the tunnel system. Use two traps facing opposite directions in the main tunnel for best results.
  • Baiting involves placing poison in the gopher’s tunnel system. While effective, it risks poisoning non-target animals and pets, requiring careful consideration and possibly professional guidance.
  • Repellents, such as castor oil granules, create an unpleasant environment for gophers but may require repeated applications and provide varying degrees of effectiveness.

Assessing your situation and preferences will help you choose the most suitable method for your yard.

3. Regular Monitoring and Maintenance

Gopher removal is not a “set it and forget it” task. Regular monitoring of your yard for new activity is crucial. Check traps daily, reposition them as needed, and be prepared to change strategies if the current one isn’t working. Regular yard maintenance, such as filling in old tunnels and flattening mounds, can discourage new gophers from moving in and help you quickly spot any new activity.

4. Consider Long-Term Prevention Strategies

After removing gophers from your yard, implementing prevention strategies can minimize future infestations. Some effective measures include planting gopher-resistant plants, installing underground barriers at the perimeter of your garden beds, and maintaining a tidy landscape to reduce the appeal of your yard to gophers. Additionally, by installing owl boxes, encouraging natural predators, such as owls, can provide a natural form of control.


Gopher removal takes knowledge, diligence, and the right pest management techniques. Understanding gopher behaviors provides insight into where and when they strike. A strategic approach combines humane trapping, baiting, or repellents with vigilant monitoring. Preventative measures like barriers and natural predators minimize re-infestation. 

While challenging, gopher removal restores landscape beauty and health thoroughly and persistently. You can eliminate gophers and protect your yard from further destruction with the proper integrated pest management plan. Don’t allow gophers to undermine your lawn’s integrity. Implement these tips for effective, lasting gopher removal.