Borders Bankruptcy – CLOSING 200 Stores – MUST READ
Here at Budget Savvy Diva we try and bring you not just deals and freebies – but information that may effect your shopping experience. Personally I saw that this was going to happen years ago. With many people – including myself – going to – to purchase books or switching to e-books – I post e-book freebies almost daily. It really is difficult to rationalize why one would go to a actual bookstore anymore – though I am one for supporting local businesses, it is difficult to pay more for it.
Well if you did not know – Borders Books is filing for bankruptcy – chapter 11. Border claims that it “does not have the capital resources it needs to be a viable competitor.” Plans are in place to close 30% of its stores (around 200 in all) over the coming weeks. I was shocked waking up to this news this morning – 200 stores – just more job loss. But even more is what a book store means – one of the appeals of a bookstore is the serendipity. This is, frankly, impossible to recreate online. But this is the perfect example what discounted shopping does to “old style” institutions like used book stores. Most likely what will happen is that Barnes and Nobel will purchase the unsold stock of the closing Borders.
How to coupons fit in? I have been trying to think about this questions fit in. If you are a avid readers of Budget Savvy Diva you would have noticed that I weekly post Border coupons – usually 40% off – do you think all these coupons contributed to their demise or helped them stay in the game longer?
I actually recently went to a Borders and snagged a Top Chef: Quickfire Cookbook – a book I have wanted for a year now – for $5.00 even better it was a BOGO deal so I got another cookbook, this other cookbook I was able to sell online – but that is a whole other article. So I ended only paying $.44 cents for the Top Chef cook book.
In the end – I am sadden by this loss. Though I promote online shopping – it does not mean we should lose the institutions that started it all.