NEW Airline Fees!!!!

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Oh airline fees when will you end – I wonder how long till they charge for drinks or a seatbelt for that matter.

Spirit Airlines has a “great” idea for the lack of air travel ( this lack of revenue) by thinking t hat a carry-on baggage fee would be great –

and now

a new fee for boarding passes.

Yes – that is right – you not only have to buy the ticket but the paper it is printed on at a pretty penny of $5.00 a ticket EACH WAY!!!!

The super-discount airline announced Monday that, beginning November 1, boarding passes printed by a Spirit agent will run a passenger $5 each way.
Spirit is not the first airline to rock the boat with its fees. Discount European carrier Ryanair instituted a policy whereby guests who didn’t arrive with a pre-printed boarding pass had to pay 40 Euro ($56) to have one issued.
What DO you think about airline fees?
Thanks! Perez Hilton