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This deal would make any Budget Savvy Kitty proud πŸ˜‰

What do YOU think about this Shopping Trip?


If you have a Awesome Shopping Trip Photo – please send it to [email protected]!

Thanks! Amanda πŸ™‚

You should have seen the looks I got LMFAO.. I told everyone I wasn’t a crazy cat lady i promise. I plan to donate some and give to family and friends.

Hyvee had 10lb bags of tidy cats on sale for $1 I went to walmart where they were priced at 2.44$

Retail Price : $87.84
After Ad Match :$ 36.00
After Coupons I paid : $ 2.50 for 360lbs of Cat litter ( i used the 1 $ off any size any variety coupon)
I just wanted to share! – Thanks, Amanda


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  • Christina

    Awesome.. and Jealous, wish we had a Hyvee lol. That is the only litter I can use, my old man (18) has developed bad allergies to all litter except tidy cats.

  • Michele

    I sure hope this bragger called the store and special ordered her high volume so there was some left on the shelf for the rest of the shoppers. Great items to stock up on if you have cats!

  • Melanie

    Michelle, I had the same thought! Also thinking that this vehicle was probably riding pretty low on the way home lol!! Great job!

  • brenda

    I seriously hope she did not wipe out their supply, it really does make all couponers look bad. Perhaps instead of giving the bags to her family and friends she could have given them the coupons and let them learn how to coupon and get great deals.

  • Barbara Gillman

    Now there will be some very happy cats in your neighborhood when they go potty…great score at the store!! Keep on Keepin On! I haven’t done that well just Yet but hopefully i keep learning as I go along..i’ve gotten some wonderful deals so far on alot of things though thanks to your wonderful posts..thank u so much from the bottom of my heart for what u do from my family to yours.

  • April

    Great deal! There is MANY uses for the cat litter. Cleans up spills and you can use it during winter time to help you not spin on ice! Would love have all of that to stock up on this winter! πŸ™‚

  • Casey

    I think it’s pretty awesome! Around here we have a lot of no-kill cat shelters always looking for things like this so I think it’s pretty awesome of her to donate. Just my opinion, but couponing isn’t black and white. If she had the coupons and they had the product I don’t understand why she should HAVE to limit herself. Kitty litter doesn’t go bad, can be used in a variety of different ways and can be donated to animal shelters who WOULD NOT use the coupons if you gave it to them but are extremely happy with receiving products. Awesome job IMO.

  • Lulu

    When I saw the picture, even before readign the post, my first thought was not wow crazy cat lady , or must have been a good deal on cat litter. Instead my thoughts were wow, someone was greedy. I understand that some will be donated or given away, but seriously I am not a fan of when someone buys so much that other people can’t get the great deals too. I guess when I see a deal and think to myself ” wow, I can get that for next to nothing, I should take advantage of that deal” , I don’t mean it the same way this person would!

  • Amanda

    WOW, Seriously People! This is a BRAG page!! if u dont want to see what others scored (lrg quantities or not) they got an amazing deal! Maybe your just jealous she paid $2.50 for all that!? and im sure she didnt clear the shelves because by the looks of it thats only about half the size of whats usually on the floor not to mention what they have stocked in back! and what does it matter if shes the one to buy it for her family and friends or she gave them the coupons. maybe they dont coupon and dont understand it, you dont know her story. so chill out ppl! she said its not all for her and still you find it in your hearts to put her down, criticize and judge. Wow! Some People! GREAT JOB AMANDA!!