Brag Worthy Shopping Trip: $63.58 of Groceries for FREE!
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Thanks! Reader here in AZ 🙂
Here’s how I did it:
Transaction 1:
2 Chocolate Easter Candy, 2/$1
1 Gevalia FV Coffee, reg $9.49, sale $5, mfg coup $1.50/1 = $3.50
1 Blue Bunny Cadbury Ice Cream Bars, reg $4.99, sale $2.99, mfg coup $1/1 = $1.99
1 Ocean Spray Fruit Snacks, sale $3.39, mfg coup $0.50/1 (double), FREE w/MIR
1 Cheerios Dulche De Leche. reg $4.49, sale $2.99, $2.49 W/IAC, FREE w/MIR
1 Cheerios Multi Grain Peanut Butter, reg $4.49, sale $2.99, $2.49 W/IAC, FREE w/MIR
1 Nature Valley Protien Bars, reg $3.99, sale $2.99, FREE w/MIR
1 Pilsbury Grands Biscuits, reg $3.99, sale 2/$6, FREE w/MIR
1 Tostinos Pizza Stuffers, $4.99, FREE w/MIR
1 Yoplait Greek Parfait, reg $3.29, sale $2.50, FREE w/MIR
1 Yoplait Greek Parfait w/Granola, reg $3.29, sale $2.50, FREE w/MIR
1 Progresso Rich & Hearty Soup*, reg $2.79, FREE w/MIR
2 Fun Da Middles Cupcakes*, reg $3.99, sale BOGO, mfg coup $0.50/1 (double) = 2/$2.99, FREE w/MIR
Total = $35.62
Less Mail in Rebate for $29.13 = $6.49
Paid with Gift Card won on Safeway’s LOL Turkey contest (over) = FREE!
Earned $5 Catalina for $10 in Frozen Food, good on your next purchase
and some other misc coupons (including & $1.25/2 Lean Cuisines)
Transaction 2:
2 DiGiorno Pizza Strips, reg $6.99ea , sale $4.99ea, $4.49ea w/IAC = $8.98
Total = $8.98
Paid with $5 Catalina from Transaction 1 = $3.98
Paid with Gift Card won on Safeway’s LOL Turkey contest (over) = FREE!
Earned another $5 Catalina for $10 in Frozen Food, good on your next purchase
& $2.50/2 MFR coupon on two more DiGiorno Pizza Strips
Transaction 3:
2 DiGiorno Pizza Strips, reg $6.99ea , sale $4.99ea, $4.49ea w/IAC = $8.98
Total = $8.98
Paid with $2.50/2 MFR coupon catalina from Transaction 2
Paid with $5 Catalina from Trans 2 = $1.48
Paid with Gift Card won on Safeway’s LOL Turkey contest (over) = FREE!
Earned another $5 Catalina for $10 in Frozen Food, good on your next purchase
& $2.50/2 MFR coupon on two more DiGiorno Pizza Strips
Transaction 4:
4 Lean Cuisine, reg $2.99ea, sale 4/$10
Total $10
Paid with $1.25 coupon from Transaction 1
Paid with $5 Catalina from Transaction 3 = $3.75
Paid with Gift Card won on Safeway’s LOL Turkey contest (over) = FREE!
Earned another $5 Catalina for $10 in Frozen Food, good on your next purchase
So you can see how even without my won Gift Card this would have been an AMAZING trip, but for me it was ALL FREE, PLUS A HUGE MONEY MAKER!!!