HELP! We Got A Problem

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So we are trying out Watson’s harness that we will be using during the 3 day moving trip to Portland.

Both Mr.Savvy ( as you can see here) and I have attempted to put the harness on Watson but it will not stay on.

Watson is being such a good boy about it all.

However, the strap keeps on coming undone. The fastening system is like a belt and it will not stay secure.

Any advice on what we are doing wrong? We are trying it every which way 🙁

If we buy another harness which type should we get.

Once again —- thank you so much 🙂


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  • Monica

    well u could also try the all on piece ones that are adjustable even tho cheaper and cheaply made i found they are easier to get to stay on the cat as long as the cats not actively fighting to get out of it. I have seen them sold at pet stores and I think Walmart too

  • Angie

    I have never harnessed a cat before…but IF I had too I would head to the local petsmart and bring Watson with me…..they will help you put it on and/or show you a harness that is easier. Good Luck….

  • Lindsey

    I would return the harness. I have used harnesses on my animals for years and dont have that problem.. I cant tell you a specific brand but the clasp on mine is the male/female type that clip into one another. Oh, and it is made out of metal. Very sturdy.

  • Anne Lundgren

    Maybe after it is on, run some take around the fastener! That might hold it one!Becareful not to catch his fur in it! He might not be so patient after that!

  • darlene lehman

    take the cat with you and go to petsmart they will show you how to put it on and tell you the best one to get

  • keegan

    Is the buckle supposed to go in the front on yours? We never had any luck with those either. Did you buy a cat specific one? Dog ones are usually made to put up with more, you might try one of those. We prefur the one with the clip, because there faster to get on and the dog is squirmy.We only ever tried to harness one of our kitties once… he climbed the nearest human at the first unfamiliar noise…. Hurts A LOT when a 15 pound cat climbs up you’r body!

  • shelley palange

    Id try a clasp that clicks close…. much more secure… oh and mr watson could use to drop a few pounds lol hes a handsome lil flaming point pork chop just the same!!!!

  • Tanya

    We made a very long move from NY to florida with a dog and a cat and what we found is that we put a regular collar around the cats neck (the small ones) and had a thin leash if needed. We put blankets, food, and water in the crate with her and went from there. She cried for about the first ten minutes and then stopped. We eventually even opened up the crate and she sat contently on the seat or my lap for the whole ride. We were told we could giver her a half of benadryl every 6 hours if needed but we didnt need to. We took a plastic storage box with a lid and scoopable litter to put on the floor board for potty breaks if needed and let her got out on the leash at rest stops to stretch. We noticed she wouldnt eat or drink at all and only used the bathroom once in 25 hours. The vet said not to worry. In the hotel we just used the litter box with the lid and brought the crate in. Try test drives around your neighborhood to see how he reacts to the car.

  • nancy-b in Katy,Tx

    Watson knows you love him. YES! Have some sort of safety measure. We don’t want to hear a story about how you stopped for gas and Watson ran off with another coupon clipping family.

  • Lisa Robbio

    I say its pretty important. This is a big trip for him! 🙁 I dont want him to get lost. You are using a cat carrier too yes?

  • Brenda

    I have traveled with cats myself. I bought the harnesses they sell for dogs. They are made of the same fabric that collars and leashes are made of. They are what is referred to as “4-point harnesses”. The back legs go in first and then the front paws and they have a snap that lies between the shoulder blades. They can be found in any major pet store.

  • Kim

    If it where me I would take a diaper pin and pin it after I get it on him. that should hold it. I use diaper pins for a lot of stuff. They are safe for kids clothes and stuff for pets not like regular safety pins.. Just a thought

  • Darcy

    We have used harnesses for our kitties, too (for supervised introduction to the outside world), and have had any issues with the snap coming undone, but if it’s too loose they can definitely wiggle out of it! We bought dog harnesses/leashes at Petsmart. The easy plastic snap kind of cat collar does come off too easily on one of our kitties, but that’s because he intentionally messes with it.

    Honestly, if it’s not staying on properly (and your cat isn’t messing with it), I would see if they will swap it at store. If not, see if you can find a different kind…maybe one that uses metal clasps or a belt-type fastener?

  • Lacy

    I would take Mr. kitty and the leash back to the store and the would be able to help either fit it for you or exchange one for one that will work=) Hope that helps! Good luck in your move and I love your site!!!!!

  • Pam

    Hi! We have an indoor cat (named Roger after the cat on open season 2) that is like a teenager. Every time the door opens he thinks he needs to sneak out. Unfortunately, he is a stray we found when he was just a few weeks old. By that time his eyes were horribly infected so he is pretty much blind. We feel bad because we know he wants out. But, we are afraid he would get hurt or not come back because he can’t see. We bought him a harness for a small dog. It is called “simply dog”. We got it at Walmart. His front legs go into the harness and then it has velcro snaps and a “Click” type snap on the back. He can not get out of it. Unfortunately he does not like it. We take him out side and he just lays there like he is embarrassed. My 7 year old calls it the “vest of shame”. It is a cute vest. It has skulls and cross bones on it. At the least, it allows him some fresh air. We sit outside with him so another animal doesn’t attack him when he can’t get away.
    Good luck!

  • Sylvia

    I use a dog harness on my cats; I can’t get cat harnesses to work (plus one of mine is too fat for a cat harness). Good luck on your move!

  • Jo Allen

    We use the kind that works just like a seatbelt in the car. You push it in, it clicks, and you have to push the button for it to let go. It adjusts easily. Petsmart is where we got it. We have one like that for our rabbit also.

  • Katie

    My cat has worn a harness, and does wriggle out of it if she is upset, but wears it when outside, but she was used to it from when she was very young.

  • Pam Dolen

    our cats don’t go out now because we lost one( he passed away)!!!! and we have tried the cat harnesses; and every one tigger and precious could twist their bodies and get out !! however late last year we found one for a dog that is called a halter harness!! precious can not get out it at all!! it fits very close to the body! they have them on petco and!!

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  • Sam j.

    Seriously when we moved with our cat I took binding and wrapped it like a harness and safety pinned it closed. Works just fine. Even do this when cat goes to vet now. Never a problem. Looms cute too!