TODAY is Moving Day

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Well TODAY is Moving Day!

Well… More moving everything into moving pods ( we are having a company drive the “pods” to Portland ) and leaving tomorrow morning.

Does anyone have any helpful tips for someone moving ?!

Well back moving some boxes πŸ˜‰


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  • Peggy Lemos

    Be sure to have a box of essentials that goes in the car, not packed away. Coffee and coffee cups for example. I add paper plates, flatware, fry pan and a pot so that I have it handy right away. Also bathroom items like bath tissue, toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, towel… It helps when things are not delivered on time and/or just can not find those items! Good luck with your move. I know you will be glad when its over. I just did one a bit over a month ago!

  • Candace

    W moved with a pod the last time. Plan to arrive before your pod. Make sure that the driver knows where your pod can be placed. If you plan on placing it on the street, make sure you don’t need a permit to have it parked there. Good luck!

  • Kristen

    Not familiar with the pods, but I agree with Amy…labeling boxes and inventory of your items in each pod is important . If you can take pics of the bigger items not in boxes (i.e. TVs, chairs, tables, etc) it will also be helpful if something happens during transport. Have a great move! πŸ™‚

  • J

    Be SO careful with how you pack the pods! My mom moved with a pod and her headboard shifted and started a chain reaction that ended in a broken mirror and a BIG mess! Double check everything that you’ve packed to make sure its not moving anywhere during transit, especially breakables.

  • Sheri

    My husband and I just moved from Virginia to Colorado using the pods. The only things that were damaged where items we didn’t use enough pads on. Make sure you put plenty of pads on your furniture. The great thing about the pods is that they will store them for you until you are ready for them. We hired movers to empty them at our place for us.

  • Lee

    We moved last year (this was probably our 8th or 9th move over the years). The best advice I can give you is: go to your respective corners when you feel the stress is about to erupt into a fight. Give yourselves space and remember that it’ll all be okay, and that your partner is your ally, not your enemy, in the battles of the boxes.

    Oh, and wine…. lots of wine!! πŸ™‚