Moving Drama
So guess how many boxes have been moved into our Pod ( you fill it up and it gets shipped to your new home) ?
Here is the story. The pod was suppose to be delivered around 8 am. Mr.Savvy would have 2 coworkers come and help move everything into the pod while I started cleaning everything including the carpet.
It was such a nice plan …..
Around 7:45 am I saw a truck pull up from the company from whom we are getting the pod. The truck did not come into the apartment house rather ran idle for about 10 minutes on the street. While we sat watching the idle truck I mentioned to Mr.Savvy maybe it would be a good idea for him to check to see if the guy was for us. Mr.Savvy said they are suppose to call and the phone was not ringing, so I went back to trying to fit Watson with his harness – HELP! We Got A Problem.
Soon the truck left… still no phone call…. Mr.Savvy decided to call the company to see if that truck was for us…. guess what…. it was.
We were told that he knocked on the door and called twice ( leaving messages) and that “hopefully” he could deliver our pod at the end of his route.
I do not know what door he knocked on but it was not ours.
Mr.Savvy gave them the wrong number to contact…sigh….
As of 11: 59 am PST there is no pod in sight.
Do YOU have any moving stories?