Watson’s BIG News

Sharing is caring!

I know I have been hinting that Watson had BIG news!!!

and HERE it is 🙂

Check out the video below for the news

Budget Savvy Diva’s Facebook Page

Watson’s Facebook Page
Purina One’s Facebook Page

If you want to send Watson fan mail 🙂 He always replies back + a pawgraph!

14845 SW Murray Scholls Dr.
Suite 110 PMB 112
Beaverton, OR 97007

Have you ever wondered why your cat stalks moving shadows? Or pounces on their toys? These behaviors are a reflection of a cat’s natural instincts, and Purina ONE has made it its mission to educate on awakening cats’ True Nature in order to enrich their lives every day.

So what exactly is the True Nature of Cats movement? By studying the habits of African wildcats (which is believed to be the closet relative of the domestic cat), Purina ONE identified several ways to help your cat be who they were born to be, including proper nutrition, like new Healthy Metabolism wet and dry formulas specially formulated for the changing nutritional needs of spayed and neutered cats, safe outdoor experiences like leash walking and purposeful play.



Purina ONE is changing misconceptions about cats, and we’d love for you to be a part of the movement. Find out more about how to discover your cat’s true nature at http://www.purinaone.com/pursuits/the-true-nature-of-cats



Disclaimer – This trip is completely paid for by Purina – all products I will receive is free from Purina. But all thoughts are Watson’s and my own.




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  • Shane R.

    If you’re having trouble getting Watson weighed, here’s what I used to do. I’d step on the scale with my cat in my arms and then without him and subtract my weight from the weight of both of us.

  • Kristen S

    Very cool. I am excited to hear about the metabolism healthy food, George could benefit from that. He needs to lose some pudge!

    I love this and I sent the link to Ellen. Hope she sees it.

  • Heather

    I would love to win this for my Sonshine. He is my best buddy. Since it is just me and him winning would also help out finacially. Thanks for all you do to help those of us who have to budget alot.

  • KimD

    Great video! I love Watson’s expressions! Some of them totally matched the sayings. When I read the one about you going to ST. Louis, his eyes got big like WOW! LOL!

  • kristine

    Watson is awesome for sitting still during that message…and he’s very photogenic! I thought you were going to reveal the he is a she and she is expecting (that happened to my cat “mister Doobie” when I was 5!) Anyway I hope I win the giveaway for our new cat, Korra!

  • Vanessa Dolby

    Oh my goodness–when you said “we’re gonna try to get him down a bit” he totally looked right up at the camera like he was saying “say what?!!??!” Love it!

  • armywifemomof3

    I love Purina as a company. I am from St Louis and they are a very philanthropic company. When I was in show choir we performed in the building you will be going to. This will be a great giveaway. Good luck all those who have kittes!

  • Sally

    When you asked Watson a question and you said he was licking himself, it looked like he was shaking his head. Too cute.

  • Erin H

    Watson is so adorable! My girls love to see the pictures that you post of him, and I think it’s hilarious how he just sits there like that! The month of Purina free, AWESOME! Would love to win it too, my cats could all stand a little metabolism booster!

  • jenn

    I recently found your website and love it! I have also become a fan of Watson and love the video..so cute! 🙂 I live in St Louis and excited to hear of your upcoming trip to Purina! I hope you enjoy your visit! During your stay please check out http://www.bistatepetfoodpantry.org Keeping Pets and People Together Will be watching Watson and wishing him all the best as he tries Purina’s Cats True Nature out. Have a great trip and travel safely so you can get home to celebrate Watson’s Birthday! May he have many great years with his Mom and Dad and its great to hear he was a shelter rescue! That adorable little guy and you both need to get on the Ellen Show for sure!

  • Jenny

    wow kind rude Renee. I too grew up in Southern California in “the valley” (Santa Clarita valley to be exact) and your “twang” is not at all very noticeable lol 🙂
    Anyway, congrats to you and Watson! Watson is an awesome cat! 🙂

  • Angie G.

    Welcome to St. Louis. Hope you enjoy your visit. The weather changes frequently around here so hopefully it is beautiful weather out while you’re here. If it is and you have extra time you should visit the St. Louis Zoo. Its free admission.

  • sarah

    My kitties would love a month of free food! I have 4 cats and two are kind of chunky-monkeys (like their mom!) they could use a little metabolism support.

  • Amanda

    YAY! All my kitties are on the Healthy Metabolism food and so far we are 3 months in and they seem to have started dropping weight! You don’t want them to lose too fast because you could cause them to get “fatty liver” disease also known as hepatic lipidosis which is bad. Give it a little while and I am sure he will get to his nice healthy weight! Although I love him as I am sure you do just the way he is, but we all want him to be around for a long, long time, so we have to help him stay nice and healthy! Enjoy your trip and hopefully Watson will love the food.

  • angelforshort

    We love you sharing him with us ~ and we love videos of you, too, Sarah!
    My Selah and Scarlet are piggies & would love some free food. Congrats on the Purina gig, maybe they’ll use Watson in a commercial or on a bag! <3

  • Brenda Parker

    I have been following you for a quite a while now and I am so Excited about how Your and Watson’s Careers are advancing! This is so exciting!!! My 2 indoor cats, Jill and Bozo could use a little weight loss. But ahhhh, the life of a cat! <3 Brenda P.

  • Melissa G

    Loved the video. I just love Watson!!! I have two cats – Sassy and Tripp. My girls live up to their names! And there is nothing wrong with a little twang in your voice! I am from Georgia and have a little bit of a southern twang myself. Thanks for all that you do to help us be a little on the frugal side and still have fun! Too bad Watson that you can go on the trip. Purina is missing out on your great Cattitude! 🙂

  • Julie P

    Watson is so adorable. He is a chunky guy though! I thought my little girl was a chunker – she’s 11 lbs. My Willow is just a lazy girl though. Congrats on the Purina trip!

  • kate coleman

    AWWW Watson CONGRATS! Sorry you cant go to Purina HQ.

    So exciting! Super excited for you guys! BTW you remind me of my Doctor like your eyes and how you talk too! ITs like you guys are related or something! Super cute!

    My tabbies surely need that food too bc they both weigh 19lbs and emma wont let me put a dress on her boooo! she got all mad at me when i did. Go Watson go! You are one of a kind dude! He reminds me of my moms cat she had when i grew up but he was a Japanese bobtail who thought he was a person!

  • J Ortenzi

    We have two big ole kitties, one is 11 years old and the other is just over one years old. Our young cat, Zipper, is quite the large kitty and loves to have his belly rubbed. thanks and have fun in St. Louis.

  • Michelle

    Love that he sat still through the whole video! My cat is the one that was potty trained, that I sent you the video, and Tux is wondering how Watson is doing with his toileting? :)))

  • Amy Bavier Bartley

    Congrats! I have one cat, Brooke who weighs 18.6. She just lost a pound. And her sister Paige who weighs 14 lbs.
    neither of them would’ve sat still for even a minute of that. Lol.

  • Melissa Hartley

    Liked & shared the video 🙂
    Melissa Green Hartley
    Congratulations Watson & Sara 🙂 Have fun in St. Louis .. I live south of Kansas City, Missouri ..

  • Melissa Hartley

    I have a cat named Jasmine, after Aladdin’s Princess Jasmine 🙂
    She is 11 1/2 & still acts like a kitty ..

  • Betty Martinez

    OMG that was the cutest video ever! My cats Luna and Boss were watching this by my side! congrats to you both!