Organic Maple Syrup: A Brief Guide!

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One of the most organic, traditionally used sweeteners available is maple syrup. Conscious consumers favour its whole sweetness over the sweetness of corn syrup that is genetically modified or the sugar-derived synthetic syrups that can lead to acne break out or sore throat immediately after you are done finishing your whole stack of pancakes at a local restaurant, has made the maple syrup organic more widely stocked and preferred sweeteners in the health food stores, supermarkets, and buying clubs.


The North American economy has been massively affected by the consistent growth of maple syrup organic. The Americans originally are believed to have taught the European settlers to boil down the sap after tapping the maple trees to make the delicacy which comes in a variety of hues and most mineral-loaded and rich flavours.


Maple syrup is a natural product derived from trees a number of years old and rarely ever sprayed. This is why it is common to believe that conventional maple syrup is the same as Maple syrup organic, which has been promoted widely by conscious consumers in the market. Then why do the companies make you pay more for the maple syrup labelled as organic with the expensive certification?


This is because syrup is a highly concentrated sweetener regardless of whether it is grade A or grade B. A gallon of Maple tree sap water is used to make one small quart of maple syrup. Therefore, if any contaminants or additives are used in the extraction process, the concentration level of maple syrup will eventually increase. The difference in the extraction process of the maple syrup varies conventionally and can affect the health of not only the maple trees but also the consumers.


Where does the difference come from?

The sugarbush impact

Sugarbush refers to the black maple or sugar forests utilized in maple syrup production. Similar to the birch water, the equipment and procedure used to extract the sap carry great potential to affect the health of the trees and the entire sugar bush. This is why organic producers must follow pure and sustainable methods to protect the overall environment in which the Maple tree grows.


Use of synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers

Although the trees within the sugar bush are not spread, herbicides like roundup contain destroying glyphosate and synthetic pesticides that are sometimes used to control unwanted vegetation. This synthetic pesticide has been recognized by the World health organization as having a link with the development of autoimmune disorders in humans, negatively affecting proper body functioning.


Cleanliness of the sugar house

During the season of maple syrup, sugar house cleanliness must be maintained non-toxic, with every piece of equipment cleaned thoroughly every day. However, conventional sugar house cleaning may involve bleach and toxic cleaners that harm your health.


Lead in maple syrup

The presence of lead in maple syrup is a big can sound with the conventional production method. The old galvanized containers produce lead contamination used to collect or store sap. On the other hand, organic maple syrup production uses stainless steel or food-grade plastic to store and collect finished syrup, preventing contamination of the lead.



After all the above info, we can conclude this article by saying that unless you are sure of the abusive agriculture practices being followed by a conventional farmer that you know, it is a wise option to stick with organic maple syrup. Several organic brands in the market make good quality maple syrup at a feasible price that you can choose to buy from.