Budget Savvy Diva Got A New Apartment – TONS of Pictures

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Mr.Savvy and I just signed the lease for our new apartment in Portland, OR ( we will be living about 15 minutes from my parent’s house)

I decided to take some pictures to show y’all 🙂

Perfect place for the t.v


My dad checking out the kitchen

I cannot wait to start cooking 🙂


Future place of my stockpile... Sigh 🙂

Future Office -- Budget Savvy Diva Headquarters ( Please note Watson has already claimed half the room for himself)

View from my office window 🙂 Pretty.


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  • ashley knight

    It is BEAUTIFUL congrats just curious what is rent like for an apartment like that there our apartment in SC is 2br 1 bath and it is $525/month

    • Amanda

      Wow Ashley! My husband and I just bought a house, but we rented a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo just outside Boston for 4 years. We paid $1,250/month and that was on the cheap side!! If you live in downtown Boston, you can pay $1,000 for a studio. I can’t imagine ever paying $525/month. You could probably get a closet or a really disgusting place here for that.

  • Gail Beireis Davis

    We’re hoping to head back to the beautiful northwest. Sure miss those mountains. Corn country is so flat.

  • Carrie Duncan

    Congrats, it is beautiful. Also glad to know that Watson is jumping right in and claiming his room hehehe.

  • Ashley

    Congrats Budget Savvy Diva! Happy for you 🙂 P.S. Portland seems great, it’s on my bucket list to visit! Jealous you get to live there!

  • Violet

    Looks like the apartment we are moving in tomorrow! Cool! 2BD in Northern CA. We are going to be 8 mins away from an Ikea and Super Walmart! I am in LOVE! Even better when I saw the Microwave I was like YES I can toss ours in the trash!!


  • Jessica

    Amanda I use to live about 30 mins outside Boston. I moved to PA, it is much cheaper. We rented a studio before we got our house here in PA and paid $275.00 a month for 4 years our land lord was nice and never raised the rent. I loved our apartment but we were ready to start our family and needed a house. Feb 2007 we bought our first home 3 bed rooms, 1 bath room. Our mortgage is $589.00 a month with taxes included. Its In a good area but it’s jut out side a city. I wish I could find a house like mine and with the same payment and I could consider moveing back 🙂 I love MA.

    • Amanda

      Wow, Jessica, that just blows my mind! My husband and I just bought a house in Lowell (I’m sure you know where that is!). It’s 2-3 bedrooms (depending on how you qualify it) and 2 bathrooms. We pay about $1800/month for our mortgage/taxes/PMI. Yeah, I guess MA is just more expensive than other places. But on the flip side, our salaries are probably higher as well. I always marvel when I see HGTV shows where people in Texas get this massive 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bathroom, 2-car garage, huge backyard for $150,000!! You would get crap for that here (or nothing at all)! And on one of the couponing blogs I read, someone was commenting that she is a SAHM with 2 kids and her husband makes $25,000/year. I don’t know where she lives, but I consider that below the poverty line. But perhaps in other areas it’s not. My friends were looking at condos in Boston that were $450,000 for 2 bedrooms. I guess it’s all relative. I have noticed that prices in supermarkets and Target are cheaper where I am now than when I lived in Boston.

  • Amber ( Dazzling Daily Deals)


    I am in Troutdale just 5min from Portland. I would love to be blogging buddies and maybe meet for coffee 🙂

  • annie

    now maybe you’ll get all your mail (freebies too)… kidding aside, congratulations on your new move. it’s always nice to be close to family. 🙂

  • nancy-b in Katy,Tx

    That should read “view from WATSON’S OFFICE” on that last one…. hee hee. You know cats allow us to live with them! Glad you are there safe and getting ready to set up house 🙂 Are you anywhere close to Mt Hood?

  • Margaret

    So exciting a fresh new canvas to decorate!!! I love in also live in Troutdale, not too far from Portland but closer to Gresham. Love it here but you have to get use to the rain!