Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe – Marie Recipe

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Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe - Marie Recipe

Make sure to REPIN this recipe 🙂

I am VERY excited this is the fifth recipe from Marie the first recipe ( Spinach and Artichoke Dip Recipe ( Recipes from Marie) )

If you have no idea who Marie is – go HERE – I found a vintage recipe box in a local antique store so I am making and posting one her recipes weekly on Tuesday

Today is Marie’s Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe

I really hope you check back weekly for another recipe from Marie — pretty please comment ( let’s make this like a little community)

You will be able to tell which recipes are hers by the flower on the picture above 🙂

Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe - Marie Recipe

Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe - Marie Recipe

The Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe is really easy and I love the fact that it is baked! I did not change anything in the recipe ( I really do not think it needed to be change) – my family quickly ate all the chicken up 🙂

I decided such a vintage recipe deserves a vintage plate ( I picked up this green plate at a local antique store — also the salt and pepper shakers )

Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe - Marie Recipe

I used about 1 pound of chicken for this recipe – which was enough to fill a cookie sheet of nuggets ( it would be perfect for dinner for a family of four)

Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe - Marie Recipe

If you do make the Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe please make sure comment and let us know what you thought 🙂 Your comments help readers know if they should make the recipe or not

Golden Chicken Nuggets Recipe - Marie Recipe



  • 1 - 1.5 Pounds of Chicken Breast cut into nugget sizes
  • ¼ Cup of Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 teaspoon of dried basil
  • 1 teaspoon of dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoon of Powdered thyme
  • 4 Tablespoons of melted butter
  • ½ Cup of bread crumbs


  1. Preheat oven to 400
  2. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper
  3. Place melted butter in one bowl
  4. Mix all the other ingredients ( except chicken) in another bowl
  5. Take each piece of chicken and dunk into the melted butter THEN roll in the bread crumbs and place on the cookie sheet
  6. Once all the chicken is coated bake in the oven for 20 minutes - remember to flip at the 10 minute mark