Get an Incredible Clean with Clorox Disinfecting Wipes from Target
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With twins nearly a year old, they get into everything. the dirty and dangerous things always attract them. We have to watch them like hawks. My dad is incredible, because he helps us out all the time with things that we let slip. He allows us to keep the focus on our babies.
My Incredible Dad
I went to Target to stock up on all cleaning products to keep the house disinfected and safe for everybody. We all spend a lot of time on the floor with Gwendolyn and Lawson. Keeping the house clean isn’t difficult, or demanding, but it is hard to do while the little ones are awake. It is so important to our family, but we get crunched for time. That’s why first and foremost, I love using Clorox Disinfecting Wipes on everything my babies might touch. I started doing this on planes. Now, I just do it everywhere because the babies touch everything they see and put their mouths all over it.
With my dad’s help the house is always spotless, he takes over cleaning the kitchen when we can’t do it in order to keep it clean and baby friendly. My Dad is so Awesome, because he is always ready to help out with cooking, gardening and cleaning. We have done those things together so often throughout the years and it’s so great to still have that and to be able to rely on him to give 100% even when I have to concentrate on other things.
He comes over all the time to do anything we need. He house sat for us and took care of Watson while we were gone and when we returned the house was spotless and it smelled like a new home. I’ve always had a great relationship to my dad and it is amazing how involved he is with his grandkids, too.
Other Clean-ups
Eric spends a lot of time cleaning and sanitizing in the kitchen too. When they are not using the Disinfecting Wipes, they use Clorox Clean-up to get the kitchen spotless. He caught Lawson reaching into one of the toilets the other day. Ever since then he makes sure each toilet in the house gets cleaned with Clorox Toilet Cleansing Gel. I love that my family works together to make everything in the house clean and safe. And it’s so easy to get all the Chlorox Bleach, Chlorox 2, and the other great products at my local Target, or to order online HERE. We work hard to create a clan environment for our children so we can let them be free and feel comfortable with them roaming around the house. Sweeping, vacuuming and disinfecting is a regular part of our lives, now. I’m so glad It is so easy with Clorox and that my Dad never hesitates to come help us out when we need a hand.
Disinfecting the Public
I never used to think much about germs and contagion, but I have gotten sick more since having the twins. Now, protecting the twins in light of my own recent illnesses has got me thinking a lot more about how clean public places are. I wonder how often a bus seat gets wiped down, or if anybody ever cleans movie theater seats. I am 100% going to bring Clorox Disinfecting Wipes when we go see Incredibles 2.