12 Week Pregnancy Update With Baby 3

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BIG NEWS!!! We have set up the baby’s registry 🙂 ! Check it out HERE. 

Yay we are back with updates! If you want to see my 12 week update when I was pregnant with my twins – GO HERE 

This is a BIG WEEK! We found out the GENDER!!!! We seriously had no idea what the gender would be. I tried comparing ultrasounds but seriously all ultrasounds look the same to me. What I ended up doing was taking the at home test Sneak Peek and had the results emailed to a friend.

There will be a whole post with the reveal – we have so many wonderful photos and video that it would be too much to put it in this post – but TOMORROW May 9th will be reveal day!

Here are my boys helping decorate 🙂

WHAT is crazy about this gender reveal party is that many of the people coming DON’T EVEN KNOW I AM PREGNANT! Like I said before we were not really expecting this pregnancy SOOOO my friends had no idea. So I thought it would be fun to have a party and SURPRISE not only am I pregnant but we are finding out the gender. I think it went over well – people were surprised.

We ended up having pizza and pasta from California Pizza Kitchen. I am going to use their catering again for the twins 2nd birthday since it was not that expensive.

Other than the party everything is going okay. We had some bleeding this week 🙁 I know it has to do with the hemorrhage I have but it is never fun to see blood.

Question Time!

How far along: 12 Weeks

Total weight gain: 1 pound

Maternity clothes: tops and pants

Stretch marks: nope

Bump: Yep!

Sleep: Sleeping well

Best moment of this week: Finding Out Babies Gender!

Miss anything: Nope 

Movement: No movement yet 🙁

Food cravings: Ice Cream

Anything making you queasy or sick: Mornings

Have you started to show yet: Yep!

Gender: Found out! 

Labor signs: Nope

Belly button in or out: In 🙂

Wedding rings on or off: On 🙂

Happy or moody most of the time:  Pretty okay

Looking forward to: 2nd Trimester