14 Week Pregnancy Update With Baby 3
BIG NEWS!!! We have set up the baby’s registry 🙂 ! Check it out HERE.
Yay we are back with updates! If you want to see my 14 week update when I was pregnant with my twins – GO HERE
14 weeks we are on FULL TIME bed rest because baby has a hemorrhage around it’s gestational sac. The best thing about bed rest is Watson. Watson is my little buddy and always takes the best care of his mama. He never leaves my side and he always is up for cuddling. We had my progesterone tested this week and it is lower again. This has been a hard week for me – the only thing I can do is take it day by day. I am looking forward to the end of next week because we will be seeing the baby again.
We are also getting ready to announce the pregnancy – many people announce right when they hit 12 weeks but I have been holding off hoping all of this would settle. I ended up announcing the pregnancy on Valentine’s Day to my friends and family.
Question Time!
How far along: 14 Weeks
Total weight gain: 2.5 pound
Maternity clothes: EVERYTHING
Stretch marks: nope
Bump: Yep!
Sleep: Not sleeping great – worried about baby
Best moment of this week: Making it another week
Miss anything: I wanted to be able to rough house with the twins
Movement: No movement yet 🙁
Food cravings: SPICY!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mornings
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: OUT!
Wedding rings on or off: On 🙂
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty okay
Looking forward to: Making it to ultrasound time