11 Week Pregnancy Update With Baby 3
BIG NEWS!!! We have set up the baby’s registry 🙂 ! Check it out HERE.
Yay we are back with updates! If you want to see my 11 week update when I was pregnant with my twins – GO HERE
WAHOO! We made it to 11 weeks. SO this week is all about BED REST! From the ultrasound I had at 10 weeks I need to take it extremely easy. This means time on the couch laying down and only getting up a few minutes at a time.
Good things Gwendolyn kept me company
Nothing much to report this week other than – we are almost to 12 weeks! My progesterone is low and getting lower – I basically have a progesterone imbalance. I was placed on Progesterone to help my system out – my placenta should start making more progesterone around this point so they keep trying to ween me off and each time the number gets lower. The highest was 46 and it is getting towards 20. 20 is fine but not when you are getting into the second trimester.
Question Time!
How far along: 11 Weeks
Total weight gain: 1 pound
Maternity clothes: tops and pants
Stretch marks: nope
Bump: Yep!
Sleep: Sleeping well
Best moment of this week: Gwendolyn cuddles
Miss anything: Nope
Movement: No movement yet 🙁
Food cravings: Ice Cream
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mornings
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Genders: Finding OUT!!!!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: In 🙂
Wedding rings on or off: On 🙂
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty okay
Looking forward to: To get off bed rest