16 Week Pregnancy Update With Baby 3
BIG NEWS!!! We have set up the baby’s registry 🙂 ! Check it out HERE.Â
Yay we are back with updates! If you want to see my 16 week update when I was pregnant with my twins – GO HEREÂ
This week we announced the pregnancy to EVERYONE! I would say people are a bit shocked like we were a few months ago. I am still on bed rest. There is not a ton of things happening this week except many cuddles with Watson. He really is the best!
I am starting to feel movement – I felt movement at 19 weeks with the twins. The movement is very low and feels like light tapping a few times a day ( maybe 10 times).
Question Time!
How far along: 16 Weeks
Total weight gain: 3 Â pound
Maternity clothes:Â EVERYTHING
Stretch marks: nope
Bump: Yep!
Sleep:Â Sleeping Well – Watson sleeps right next to me
Best moment of this week: Watson cuddlesÂ
Miss anything: Being able to have a drink ( totally true this week)Â
Movement:Â Feeling small kicks
Food cravings: Spicy Cheetos Â
Anything making you queasy or sick: Mornings
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: OUT!
Wedding rings on or off: On 🙂
Happy or moody most of the time:Â Pretty okay
Looking forward to:Â 19 weeks ( when I will have another ultrasound)