How Do You Know If Product Reviews Are Real?

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Today, as a result of increased online shopping, product reviews are now an essential element when it comes to influencing consumer decisions. However, with the emergence of bogus reviews, it has become challenging to determine which reviews are real and which ones are fabricated. Awareness of how to find genuine reviews is very important in making a sound decision while you purchase. The purpose of this article explores various strategies and indicators that can help consumers distinguish real reviews from artificial ones.

1. Check the Reviewer’s History


Real reviewers provide and leave honest reviews to other different kinds of products in the past according to the real product review website, This means that if a reviewer’s account shows a tendency of varied and honest feedback, it is more likely that the reviews they leave are real. Alternatively, accounts that are newly signed up or contain reviews of a single brand, this may determine a fake review.

2. Look for Verified Purchase Badges

Most of the platforms mark reviews from customers who have actually purchased the product with a “verified purchase” badge or a similar indicator.  Of course, this system is not foolproof, and there are still ways to manipulate it. However, the additional layer of credibility in a review still makes the reviewers accountable for their opinions.

3. Analyze the Language Used

One of the primary indicators that the reviews are fake is exaggerated emotions or generalized words without mentioning various details about the merchandise. Be cautious of reviews that praise or attack without giving specific justifications or those written using marketing tactics. Personal experience of the author always involves authentic reviews, which indicate the characteristics or components of the item.

4. Consider the Timing of Reviews

An unexpected surge in reviews over a short time frame, particularly when these positive reviews are numerous, may be an indicator of a fake review. This trend may indicate that the reviews that were provided were either solicited or made up in order to inflate the product’s ratings in a manipulative way.

5. Use Review Analysis Tools

There are numerous online tools and browser extensions that are solely created for the purpose of analyzing the reviews, and come up with a report on their validity. The tools are based on an algorithm, so they highlight the patterns, anomalies, and show characteristics of fake reviews. For instance, Fakespot and ReviewMeta are integrated into widely used e-commerce systems.

6. Check for Repetitive Phrasing

Fake reviews can be generated in batches which contain identical language or words that appear repeatedly. In case, you find several reviews having unusual similarities in language or in the same patterns, they may not be authentic.

7. Look for Depth and Detail

Specific details such as the quality of the product, its performance level and how the user feels about the performance are common features of real reviews. They may also point out how the product was applied or used. If the review is not concrete or lacks details, then that might as well be a sign of a fake review.

8. Consider the Distribution of Ratings

Naturally, a distribution of ratings will comprise positive reviews, neutral ones, and negative remarks. A product that only has five-star or one-star reviews should be approached with skepticism as it may indicate artificially manipulated rates to increase sales.

9. Read Reviews Across Multiple Sites

Do not just base your reviews on one source. Check various sources, including the manufacturer’s website, online retail sites and other independent review sites. A consistent picture as generated by various sources may act to reinforce perceived credibility in regard to the product.


Being able to determine real from fake reviews becomes an essential skill today, where such online opinions can have a great effect on one’s purchase. With the strategies we have presented above, consumers are able to become wise and confident enough to learn how they can navigate online reviews. However, it is also important to note that no method can claim a totally efficient rate. Using a combination of the above techniques will provide you a much greater chance to distinguish true feedback from fake one.