8 Week Pregnancy Update With Baby 3

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BIG NEWS!!! We have set up the baby’s registry šŸ™‚ ! Check it out HERE.Ā 

Let me know if I missed anything essential – also have fun trying to figure out the gender of the baby! We will be announcing the gender soon šŸ™‚

Yay we are back with updates! If you want to see my 8 week update when I was pregnant with my twins – GO HEREĀ 

For all pregnancy posts go HEREĀ 

I went through all my photos and I somehow did not take a belly shot for the week šŸ™ I can tell you it is much harder this time around to remember to do them. I will say this baby is making this mama have full day morning sickness. I really thought with the twins it was was because there were two of them – but this time around I am just as sick ( well maybe not as sick) but I am not feeling great.

I do not think I ever mentioned how I am not a fan of early pregnancy. SO much can go wrong and I tend to worry a lot so this week I tell myself just keep moving forward. I got down because I was still a MONTH away from the magical 12 weeks.


Question Time!

How far along: 8 Weeks

Total weight gain: None

Maternity clothes: Nope

Stretch marks: nope

Bump: Nothing yet

Sleep:Ā Not sleeping great – Using sleep spray šŸ™‚

Best moment of this week:Ā just being pregnant

Miss anything: Onion RingsĀ 

Movement: No movement yet šŸ™

Food cravings:Ā Onion Rings

Anything making you queasy or sick: Car rides

Have you started to show yet:Ā NOPE

Genders: Have no idea

Labor signs: Nope

Belly button in or out: In šŸ™‚

Wedding rings on or off: On šŸ™‚

Happy or moody most of the time: I am pretty happy

Looking forward to:Ā Next week I am going to do Sneak Peek to find out the GENDER!!!