How Am I Doing
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How is Mama doing?
Well I am a mix of happy/busy/overwhelmed. Overall I am doing okay. One thing that I have always been lucky with is the pain after a c-section is minimal. I am already to only a couple over the counter pain relief per day.
I alluded to before some health things for myself – which is requiring some extra attention. Here they are and what the plan going forward is.
- Blood Pressure – Boy does my blood pressure like to stay high. I am currently sitting in the high 140s/ high 90s – low 100. This has happened to me before and the plan from here is to monitor it – I have a couple extra OB appointments coming up to keep tract. I do not normally have high blood pressure – so it is unusual for me ( but not unusual for postpartum me).
- Incision Opened Up – So I told Eric when we got home that I was having some unusual pain on my right side. Like sharp pain sorta type of pain. Anyways – I went to my OB appointment last week and they found out I opened my incision in 2 places – eek! I have never done that before but it is most likely due to the fact I am more active with 4 littles plus the newborn. The holes are a few mm each – so not huge but enough to be bleeding very slowly. The plan is to have them heal on their own – and to keep myself from moving around too much.
So those are the main things. I am okay – falling asleep while sitting at least 5 times a day but I am extremely blessed.